
20 Reputation

3 Badges

13 years, 306 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by Jorgenecochea

Good morning.

I have a problem.

My Foco1 function is slower than Foco and how can i do it faster?, because that takes a long time.


thank your for your answer

Good afternoon.

I have a problem.

I want to evaluate that equations

> aux1 := tau1-c11*x2q1(t)-c12*x2q2(t)-c13*x2q3(t)-g1-fric1;
> aux2 := tau2-c21*x2q1(t)-c22*x2q2(t)-c23*x2q3(t)-g2-fric2;
> aux3 := tau3-c31*x2q1(t)-c32*x2q2(t)-c33*x2q3(t)-g3-fric3;
when the variable fric1, fric2 and fric3 are cero and other values.
I like to watch the result in the same plot.
I am using Ode.
i send my file

Good afternoon.

I have a problem.

i want ot add the procedure friccion(x1q1(t), x2q1(t), 1) into the dynamic system equation, because the fricction change with the velocity.

I don´t know how can solve that

Please help me o give some ideas.

thank you

Good Morning.

I have problem when i want to graph my equations. I received this error: 

Error, (in plots/odeplot) curve is not fully specified in terms of the ODE solution, found additional unknowns {t}
I would like to know how i can solve it
Thanks in advance 


Good Night.

I have problem when i am using ODE, because i have an error : (in plots/odeplot) curve is not fully specified in terms of the ODE solution, found additional unknowns {x3(t)}

I do not know how I can 

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