
12 Reputation

2 Badges

18 years, 238 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by Jsoh

I would like to have labeled axes on all four sides of my 2D plot. I can get them on the right and bottom using axes=normal. I can also get them on the left and bottom using axes=boxed or axes=framed. But I can't get the axes on the top of the plot to show up. Any suggestions?
I know how to make my linestyle into DASH, DASHDOT, etc. But I am trying to an ARROw along my curve. Does anyone know how to achieve this? I have several solution curves to an ODE on the same plot, and they all converge to one line. I would like to have arrows on each of the curves to show that they all converge into this one curve. Any help is appreciated.
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