
5 Reputation

2 Badges

13 years, 281 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by JulieN

Tis working now! I got it:) thanks for your help.


Tis working now! I got it:) thanks for your help.


Hey Stefan,


Thanks for the tip! I will simplify my if statements :)

I meant to write Stability2 in both. If the determinant of the jacobian at that point is negative then it is unstable, and if the determinant of the jacobian at that point is positive it is a stable point. Since the only values that were giving biologically relevant equilibria had to do with X2, and hence Stability2, I was simplifying the code in an attempt to get something useful I could work with and then expand to include X1 and Stability1.

It would be nice to be able to code for both Stability1 and Stability2 for stable and unstable points so that if I change parameter values, I wouldn't be losing data, or potentially losing data.

Hey Stefan,


Thanks for the tip! I will simplify my if statements :)

I meant to write Stability2 in both. If the determinant of the jacobian at that point is negative then it is unstable, and if the determinant of the jacobian at that point is positive it is a stable point. Since the only values that were giving biologically relevant equilibria had to do with X2, and hence Stability2, I was simplifying the code in an attempt to get something useful I could work with and then expand to include X1 and Stability1.

It would be nice to be able to code for both Stability1 and Stability2 for stable and unstable points so that if I change parameter values, I wouldn't be losing data, or potentially losing data.

Hey Stefan,

That really helped move things along, thanks! Looking back ALL of my values are coming from the second root, X2. I am trying to 'sort' these X2's now so I can plot them seperately without much luck. I think the issue is that I am assigning the same values to stable and unstable points, currently.

if X1 >= 0 then if 0 < Scr1 then if 0 < Skr1 then if 0 < Icr1 then
Stability1 := det(eval(s, {c = Scr1, k = Skr1, mu = m, x = X1, y = Icr1, delta = del, gamma = g, omega = o, d[1] = dk, d[2] = dc, alpha[1] = ak, alpha[2] = ac, beta[1] = b1, beta[3] = b3}));
end if end if end if end if;

if X2 >= 0 then if 0 < Scr2 then if 0 < Skr2 then if 0 < Icr2 then
Stability2 := det(eval(s, {c = Scr2, k = Skr2, mu = m, x = X2, y = Icr2, delta = del, gamma = g, omega = o, d[1] = dk, d[2] = dc, alpha[1] = ak, alpha[2] = ac, beta[1] = b1, beta[3] = b3}));  
end if end if end if end if

if Stability2 > 0 then
stablePoints := stablePoints, [R0, xx2];
end if;
if Stability2 < 0 then
unstablePoints := unstablePoints, [R0, X2];
end if;

Where s is the Jacobian. This was my attempt to reasign the X2's that are part of the stable points to a new variable name. The error coming from the code is saying it cannot determine whether Stability2<0 is true or false.

Thanks in advance for your time and patience :)


Hey Stefan,

That really helped move things along, thanks! Looking back ALL of my values are coming from the second root, X2. I am trying to 'sort' these X2's now so I can plot them seperately without much luck. I think the issue is that I am assigning the same values to stable and unstable points, currently.

if X1 >= 0 then if 0 < Scr1 then if 0 < Skr1 then if 0 < Icr1 then
Stability1 := det(eval(s, {c = Scr1, k = Skr1, mu = m, x = X1, y = Icr1, delta = del, gamma = g, omega = o, d[1] = dk, d[2] = dc, alpha[1] = ak, alpha[2] = ac, beta[1] = b1, beta[3] = b3}));
end if end if end if end if;

if X2 >= 0 then if 0 < Scr2 then if 0 < Skr2 then if 0 < Icr2 then
Stability2 := det(eval(s, {c = Scr2, k = Skr2, mu = m, x = X2, y = Icr2, delta = del, gamma = g, omega = o, d[1] = dk, d[2] = dc, alpha[1] = ak, alpha[2] = ac, beta[1] = b1, beta[3] = b3}));  
end if end if end if end if

if Stability2 > 0 then
stablePoints := stablePoints, [R0, xx2];
end if;
if Stability2 < 0 then
unstablePoints := unstablePoints, [R0, X2];
end if;

Where s is the Jacobian. This was my attempt to reasign the X2's that are part of the stable points to a new variable name. The error coming from the code is saying it cannot determine whether Stability2<0 is true or false.

Thanks in advance for your time and patience :)


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