Karel Srot

216 Reputation

7 Badges

19 years, 319 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by Karel Srot

I succeeded with installing Maple9.5. I had to interrupt the installation process and create symlinks to my JRE. Then it was OK. But I would appreciate if you could help me with installing Maple8 on Ubuntu Engy Eft.
I know that the option "overload" can be used in Maple10 (maybe also Maple9). Is it possible to also overload operators in older Maple versions (for example Maple8)? Thank you Karel Srot
I know that the option "overload" can be used in Maple10 (maybe also Maple9). Is it possible to also overload operators in older Maple versions (for example Maple8)? Thank you Karel Srot
Unfortunately I found that my package FourierSeries runs correctly on Maple10 but not on Maple8 (and maybe on other versions). I released new version of my package which runs also on Maple8. This version is also improved a bit (but I had to remove overloaded operators). You can try this new version.
I hope this can help: In the fourierseries_0_2en.zip archive there are 3 files: maple.lib, maple.ind - library examples.mws If you want to load the package temporarily, this function provides the second a the third line in the exaple.mws worksheet (maple.lib, maple.ind must be in the same directory). If you want to install the package permanently, just create a directory (for example "c:\MapleLibs\FourierSeries") and put this line into the file "C:\Maple10\Users\maple.ini" (not "C:\Maple10\Users\maple10.ini"): libname:=libname, "c:/MapleLibs/FourierSeries": This causes the FourierSeries package path to be added into the library search path on Maple startup. Then you can load the library just using the "with(FourierSeries);" command. Another possibility to put the "maple.ini" file is to put it into your home directory. On Unix/Linux platform this file is "~/.mapleinit" file. More about initialization files in Maple help Getting started -> Configure Maple -> Initialization files
These solutions seems to be OK except returning "BottomProp" when running without arguments. I changed `X` (really naive) to string "X" and it seems it's working good on data that are important for me (RealRange, realcons). > RealRangeUnion:=()->op({op(OrProp(args, "X"))} minus {"X"}): > > RealRangeUnion(RealRange(-1,2),RealRange(1,3),4); 4, RealRange(-1,3) > RealRangeUnion(RealRange(Open(-1),2),0); RealRange(Open(-1),2) > RealRangeUnion(1,2,RealRange(Open(1),Open(2))); RealRange(1,2) > RealRangeUnion(0, RealRange(-1,1)); RealRange(-1,1) > RealRangeUnion(0); 0 > RealRangeUnion(); >
Thank you for your comments. I found some problems when using your definition. > RealRangeUnion := () -> op(OrProp(_passed)): > RealRangeUnion(0,RealRange(-1,1)); -1,1 JacquesC's definition has the same behaviour. I made small ugly correction: > RealRangeUnion:=()->op({op(OrProp(args, `X`))} minus {`X`}); > RealRangeUnion(0,RealRange(-1,1)); RealRange(-1,1)
Thank you for the solution, really nice.
Pet peeve: Maple procedures always return the last thing evaluated
I know that. It's my bad habit caused by more difficult procedures when 'return' appears many times. So I like to have 'return' in my code. I know that it's not "clean".
Second peeve: why 'RETURN' when 'return' exists (and is better)? Where did you learn that?
Another bad habit. I prefer to have brackets around the argument. Now I see that I can use also 'return()' and RETURN() is obsolete. I did not register that before. :-) Thank you.
I know this function, but I rather wanted non-floating-point approximations. But it seems that there is nothing better.
I know this function, but I rather wanted non-floating-point approximations. But it seems that there is nothing better.
Thank you for your help. Karel
Thank you for your help. Karel
Thank you, it is working. I would also like to define how this type should be printed. Suppose that FS type is defined as follows: TypeTools[AddType](FS, t->evalb(op(0,t)=`a`)); then type(a(1), FS); is true And I would like to print this type in a different way `print/a`:=proc(t) [`a`,op(1,t)]: end proc: so > a(1); returns [a, 1] Can you tell me how to add this procedure into the package? Thank you. Karel
Thank you, it is working. I would also like to define how this type should be printed. Suppose that FS type is defined as follows: TypeTools[AddType](FS, t->evalb(op(0,t)=`a`)); then type(a(1), FS); is true And I would like to print this type in a different way `print/a`:=proc(t) [`a`,op(1,t)]: end proc: so > a(1); returns [a, 1] Can you tell me how to add this procedure into the package? Thank you. Karel
Thank you for the comment. But the test is just a simplified example, actually I don't want to define such kind of type. :-) I just want to know how to export type from the package.
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