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8 years, 62 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by Lali_miani

Given a list of numeric value lists, calculate the average of each sub-data list

We put A = {1,2,3,4} and B is the set of lower cubes
to 100 of positive integers.Determine A ∪ B  A ∩ B , A ∩ {6,8} and A \ B 

Write the list of numbers of prime numbers that are less than 10000

Let (u (n)) be the sequence defined by u (n + 1) = 3.5u(n) (1 - u (n)) and u (0) = 0.4.
1. Create the sequence s whose elements are [k, u (k]) for k varying from 0 to 100.
2. Graph the list of points with the plot function and the style = point option.

1. Write the list of numbers that are the sum of two squares of integers a ^ 2 and b ^ 2 with 0 <= a, b <= 5.
2. Select the odd numbers from the previous list. What seems to be their general form

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