Lenin Araujo Castillo

Prof. Lenin Araujo Castillo

1790 Reputation

15 Badges

15 years, 269 days
Physics Pure || Computer Science
Trujillo/La Libertad, Peru

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Maple Application Center
Simulation Specialist for Dynamic Systems with Maple Classic and Modern Physics. Mathematical Modeling by Maple problems. Basic Science Teaching using ICT's. Business Data Analyst at Maple and MapleSim environment. Expertise in the development of mathematics with embedded components for mobile devices.

MaplePrimes Activity

These are Posts that have been published by Lenin Araujo Castillo


15º Foro de Investigación de las Matemáticas Aplicadas a las Ciencias Sociales "Reflexiones sobre Educación y Matemáticas”,

"Learning of mathematical functions using applications with Maple, for students of Social Sciences"

The students of the first cycles have a low level of learning in the subject of functions, and the arrival of the pandemic worsened the understanding of this content. Increasing the use of ICT in great magnitude improving learning.
To determine the relationship between learning and mathematical functions using applications with Maple, for students of Social Sciences. The experimental method was used using the scientific software Maple applied to students of Social Sciences.

In Spanish.


Lenin Araujo Casillo

Ambassador of Maple



Applications to develop exercises on systems of equations using the technique of determinants, Gauss and Crammer. For science and engineering students. In spanish.


Lenin Araujo

Ambassador of Maple

Universidad Metropolitana de Ciencias de la Educación
Santiago de Chile

Derivative operator on vectors of real variable (R3): applied to curvilinear motion with Maple and MapleSim

In the present work it will be demonstrated how the derivative operator acts in functions of real variable in the movement of a particle that performs a curvilinear trajectory; using the scientific software of the Maplesoft company known by the names Maple and MapleSim, because nowadays most university teachers (higher education) do not visualize the movement of the particle in real time as well as the results of the calculations of speed and acceleration simultaneously. The objectives achieved are to use the vector operator with the help of these programs. As a theoretical tool we will use the three-dimensional vector spaces of real variable with Newton's notation. The methodology we have used was native syntax and embedded components using block diagrams. For the case of particle motion we use the graphical programming proposed by MapleSim. Viable results were achieved for motivational effects and time reduction in complex calculations without neglecting innovation in physical sciences, for teachers in higher education and university students. This work is self-sustaining via Maple Cloud.

Lenin Araujo Castillo

Ambassador of Maple

This research work demonstrates the use of the MapleSim and Python scientific packages for the correct use of differential equations for engineering students, in the face of the pandemic generated by COVID-19. The main objective is to visualize the teaching and learning process of the subject presented. The methodology used is block diagrams using graphic programming and the one-dimensional symbolic structure. The results are totally optimal since automation was achieved in the differential equations applied to different engineering cases. The applications generated by the scientific software are fully upgradeable and available in the cloud.


Lenin AC

Ambassador Maple

Using Python and MapleSim versus Basic Science Teaching in Times of Pandemic


In the following research work entitled Use of Python and MapleSim against the teaching of Basic Sciences in times of pandemic, due to the social immobility imposed by the government, we saw the need to use scientific software to train our students with modern approaches. The purpose is to raise the learning achievement in the subjects of Mathematics and Physics for engineering. The methodology we used was native syntax programming and graphic component programming. The results that we obtained in modeling and simulation are quite exact, with respect to the traditional results. Finally, all the material can be updated and managed at any time because it is available on maplecloud.

Keywords: Python, MapleSim, modeling, simulation


Lenin AC

Ambassador Maple

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