
190 Reputation

11 Badges

9 years, 159 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by Les

See WA30 attached.  Why the error?  The variable that represents the vector is in vector form.  If I need to change this to THAXexa := ([1988.0, 1989.0, 1990.0 , ... etc], datatype=float, is there an easy way to convert the THAXexa matrix?

Thanks, Les  WA30.mw

In Maple 2015 is there a way to fit data to an exponential model and determine the goodness of fit?

Thanks in advance!


What is the Maple Formula for the Excel function: =WEIBULL.DIST(A1,2,6.2,FALSE)

where A1..A26 is 0..26  ?  How do I plot it?

Thank you, Les

How can I produce the same output with something like alphadeg := alpharad * 180/Pi?

T := proc (p, q, R) alpharad = evalf[5](arccos((1/2)*(p^2+R^2-q^2)/(p*R))), alphadeg = 180*evalf[5](arccos((1/2)*(p^2+R^2-q^2)/(p*R)))/Pi end proc;
T(3, 4, 3.75);
           alpharad = 1.2515, alphadeg = 71.70566805

When I try alphadeg = alpharad * 180/Pi I get
Error, illegal use of an object as a name

Thanks! Les    AB59_20170205_Post.mw

AB44.mwAdded these tasks by highlighting object and then choosing
Edit > Create Task

Is there some way to delete a task from my Tasks palette

At some point I created "My second palette" is there a way
to delete individual items from this palette and how are tasks
added to a customized palette.

Any help appreciated, Thanks! Les


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