
190 Reputation

11 Badges

9 years, 161 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by Les


Look at spacecurve

> ?spacecurve    

plots[spacecurve] -- plotting of 3-D space curves.

Awesome, l thank you all

Thank you all, your answers provided not only excellent graphics but also clarification on the mathematics involving trigonometry as it relates to wave interference.

awesome, thank you both

Thanks so much Kitonum and acer!  


Dr Lopez, to add a row or column to a matrix, place cursor at the end of a row or column and press

Control + Shift + R (or C) works perfectly.  Thanks!

thanks, this is big help

@Carl Love Thanks Carl!


Yes, I revised the formula used in previous post.  Thank you for your comment!





WC37 Gun_Control_II


1.  Velocity and distance traveled of a 0.0283495 kg Foster slug are shown below:



Velocity (m/s)

Distance (m)












a.  Determine a formula for distance traveled as a function of time.


We assume 438.9120 Unit(Unit('m')/Unit('s')) is the muzzle velocity of a shotgun with an 18 inch (.4572 Unit('m')) barrel.





combine(0.1041666667e-2*Units:-Unit('m')/Units:-Unit('m'/'s'), 'units')

The slug reaches muzzle velocity about 0.01042 seconds after ignition.



Ds := `<,>`(.4572, 11.860, 45.720, 68.580)

Vector[column](%id = 18446744074412184390)


Vinv := `<,>`(1/438.9120, 1/402.336, 1/365.760, 1/341.376)

Vector[column](%id = 18446744074412186070)


T := `~`[`*`](Ds, Vinv)

Vector[column](%id = 18446744074412186670)



Pts := [[0.1042e-2, 438.912], [0.29478e-1, 402.3360], [.12500, 365.760], [.20090, 341.3760]]:

P1 := plot([`$`(Pts, 2)], style = [point, line], symbol = diamond, symbolsize = 12, color = blue, gridlines, view = [0 .. .22, 0 .. 22]):


T := Vector([0.1042e-2, 0.29478e-1, .12500, .20090], datatype = float):

V := Vector([438.912, 402.336, 365.760, 341.376], datatype = float):

PolynomialFit(2, T, V)

Vector[column]([[433.599102204306], [-796.059582885237], [1718.71761174840]])


f := proc (t) options operator, arrow; 434-796*t+1720*t^2 end proc

proc (t) options operator, arrow; 434-796*t+1720*t^2 end proc


P2 := plot(f, 0 .. .22):

plots:-display([P1, P2])








Download WC38_Gun_Control_II.mw


Thanks Carl, works perfectly!

@Carl Love 

An approximate formula for this curve is f:= t->439e^-2.9t and it seems to plot ok, but I was wondering why my pointline plot of the data points didn't come out right. It's late here but I will try your solution tomarrow.  Thanks


An approximate formula for this curve is f:= t->439e^-2.9t and it seems to plot ok, but I was wondering why my pointline plot of the data points didn't come out right. It's late here but I will try Carl's solution tomarrow.  Thanks


Please don't go to alot of work, simple and easy is best.  I made a worksheet called WC25 4 BY 6 NOTE CARDS (see attached) which partially does the trick except that each new entry has to be kept in an exact sequence.  For example, there is no way to enter a record named "add" and expect in to show up right after a record named "about" because there is no way to sort all the tables in the Maple document.        WC25_4_BY_6_NOTE_CARDS_▓▓∩▓▓∩▓▓∩▓▓.mw

@Joe Riel 

The key would be text in the first line of each table, the "topic" of each record.  For example,  about, bookmark, command completion, ditto operators, ... etc.  I sent a longer response (see below).


Perhaps a comparison with a MS Word document (.docx) would help.  The rows of a long table are used to keep information.  Each row can be printed separately (printed with “Print Current Page”)  and it is easy to sort the entire table (data in all the rows) in alphabetical order based on the top line of data in each row.  This is done with the Sort button "Alphabetize the selected text or sort numerical data" which opens the Sort dialog where sorting by column 1 arranges all data in alphabetical order.  For example, “Abacus” in row 1 to “Zebra” in the last row.

This MS Word file works but there is one big drawback:  Code cannot be copied from a Maple Worksheet (.mw) pasted into the Word document and then retrieved at a later time.  That is why I settled on the .mw document (included as link with my original question) with multiple tables separated by Page Breaks.  Unfortunately, there seems to be no way to sort the different records by the first line in each table as I can do with the Word document.

I have tried exporting maple code as Rich Text Format (.rtf) but it is inefficient (numerous format errors that have to be manually corrected) when trying to paste maple syntax into a Word document (docx).  Moreover, when retrieving .mw code from the Word document there are also numerous errors that have to be corrected when the code is copied and pasted into Maple (.mw).    I don't understand La Tex (.tex) and Maple Input (.mpl), perhaps there is a way to copy/paste from Maple to Word without losing the integrity of the Maple syntax.  Additionally, if there is some off-the-shelf application that I could get from Maple or a software vendor that would allow me to keep a small database of my notes (including code), print 4 × 6 notecards, and efficiently copy and retrieve pieces of Maplesoft (.mw) code, that might be an option. 

Any help appreciated!

Thanks, Les


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