Luna Moon

353 Reputation

3 Badges

17 years, 184 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by Luna Moon

looking for the fastest complex number arithmetics... Hi all, I am looking for the fastest complex number arithmetics. There is one part of my program which needs complex number arithmetics. The final result is a real number. So I had two choices: (1) Using the C++ class, and do all the operations in complex domain, and finally extract out the real part of the result. (2) Calculate the real part of result in closed-form by hand, and program everything in C/C++ in real domain. I used to do (2). And I used Maple to help me obtain the real part of the complex-valued expressions in closed form and generate the C code. The speed is about 10x faster than (1).
Hi folks! Does anybody know if Matlab and Maple and Mathematica works well and stable on Vista? How about speed on Vista? Thanks!
My laptop is broken and I am seriously considering purchasing a new laptop. I mainly use the laptop to do all kinds of programming, including Matlab, C/C++, Fortran, Maple, Mathematica, etc. I am wondering if anybody can tell some experiences about speed performance of Maple on Core Duo Dual Core processors? Are the computations on these computers really faster? I recall a few months ago I had tested a Monte Carlo program in Matlab on my friend's new Intel Quad Core (4 cpus). He paid $6000 for a desktop like that. The speed was not improved at all.
This one? int(log(c*exp(k*s)-d), s= 0 .. t) assuming (t>0, c>0, k>0, d>0) Thanks!
I want to find the real part of the following expression, but I keep having difficulty: simplify(evalc((zks/(alphas+I*vs)*(exp(-I*times*vs)-exp(-I*times1*vs-alphas*tds))))) assuming real; Maple refused to do it... what can I do? Thanks!
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