Luna Moon

353 Reputation

3 Badges

17 years, 212 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by Luna Moon

Hi all, I am just playing around with Maple, with curiosity, to see how smart it is and how much can I rely on it for work... Here is a probably difficult integral, I couldn't get Maple to do it: assume(b>0, T>0, a>0, w>0); int(exp(-b*sqrt(w))/sqrt(a^2+w^2), w = T .. infinity); Is there a way to get it work? I tried a few numerical values, this integral should converge... right?
Hi all, I am just curious about this problem, which has been in my mind for long time. I have seen some complex-valued functions, which are not in closed-form. For example, the complex-valued functions are defined by ODE: y'(t)=a+b*y(t)+c*(y(t))^2 + ... where the numbers in above ODE are complex-valued and the complex-valued functions are defined by functions of y(t), such as exp(y(t)), etc. Such ODEs can only be solved numerically. Sometimes even a closed-form solution is available, we would rather choose to solve it numerically because the closed-form solution often involves hyper functions and super complicated expressions.
HI all, I have the following formula in Maple: Assume(eps>0, v>0, k>=0, n> 0, k, 'integer', n, 'integer', k
I have searched and googled all over places, just couldn't figure out how to save all the variables in the current workspace. save all, "myfilename.m" doesn't work at all. There is no such usage in the documentation. When you have many variables, how do you save them all? ----------------- Two quick side questions(without opening a new thread): Q1: If you have two statements joined together, how to separate them? I am using GUI in Maple 11: Example: statement_x; statement_y; how to break them into: statement_x; statement_y; Every time I hit "Enter" after statement_x, both got executed. After long waiting(they happened to be both huge and messy), messy results were printed out, I have to scroll many pages, but these two statements were still together. Annoying!
Codegen: floating point constants vs. symbolic constants Let's say in a complex-valued function, constants such as 1/2, 1/4, etc. are involved. I found, upon some experts' advice, the symbolic computations are different. If one expression is too hard to evaluate or simplify, changing the constants back and forth between floating point constants 0.5, 0.25, etc. and symbolic constants 1/2, 1/4 or one way or the other will often help. However, our end goal is code generation and translation into C or Fortran. Will the efficiency and accuracy be different in the translated end results for the floating point constants and symbolic constants cases? I roughly found no difference.
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