347 Reputation

7 Badges

9 years, 268 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by MDD

@dharr Thanks again.

@dharr Thank you; this works well.

@dharr The leading monomial of 2x^2 is x^2, which means that these two polynomials share the same head term and are grouped together. How does the "sort" command function in this partitioning? Additionally, the "<" relation can represent any arbitrary monomial ordering, such as tdeg or plex.


Thanks a lot.

@dharr Thank you so much for your email and efforts. There is not any variable y[i] and all variables are x[i]. Thanks again. 


Thanks for the comprehensive explanations.

@Thomas Richard Thank you so much for your reply.


Thank you so much for your response. For example, I want to know the algorithm behind the "MTM:-rref" Maple command for computing the reduced row echelon form of a matrix. How to use the showstat for this?


Thank you so much. In fact, I want to use expand for sin(x+y) and so on. Expansion for (a+b)x=ax+bx is not different both of them are aA1+bA1. I try to expand the trigonometric function before using Dcoeffs. 


Thanks for your reply. Can we obtain the original ODE by saving all derivative and non-derivative terms in a sorted list with their corresponding Ai and using the subs command?

Also, I think there is a minor problem in the last file you sent. Please see the attached file. Why sin(x) is eliminated?


Thank you so much for your response and efforts. This is fine, and the final question is: How can I convert the obtained polynomial back into the original ODE? 


I need a*A4+b*A5 +c. I deal with any variables but usually x is variable.


Thank you again. This is okay, but I believe it is not working properly. Please see the attached


Thanks again, but I'm sorry, this also doesn't work in Maple 18!


Thank you so much for your answer. But, when I run your implementation an error appears. Please see the attached

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