
477 Reputation

9 Badges

7 years, 61 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are answers submitted by MapleMathMatt

Hi @asa12,

This isn't quite what you're after, but it is close (I used regular indexed variables like x[1], not suffixed like x1, and Maple auto-sorted the terms, with your x1 and x2 becoming x[10] and x[11]):


phi := proc( p :: polynom(integer,x) )

    local c, f, i, q, u:

    c := 1:

    f := proc( y :: symbol, n :: posint )
        local j, Y:
        Y := [ seq( y[j], j=c..c+n-1 ) ]:
        c := c + n:
        return Y:
    end proc:

    q := collect( p, x ):
    q := evalindets( q, `&*`(posint,`^`(identical(x),posint)), u -> add( mul( f(x,op([2,2],u)) ), i=1..op(1,u) ) ):    
    q := evalindets( q, `&*`(posint,identical(x)), u -> add( f(x,op(1,u)) ) ):

    return q:

end proc:

p := 2 * x + 3 * x^3;
q := phi( f );

Hi @zjervoj97,

You can use the element-wise operator ~, or the map() function:

L1 := [-3,-2,-1,0,1,2,3];
L2 := L1^~2;
L3 := map( u -> u^2, L1 );

Hi @maple2015,

A drawback of using op(2,M) is that it won't include elements that are 0. I suggest using the indices() command instead:


M := < 1, 2; 3, 0; 0, 2 >;

# Doesn't include (2,2)=0 and (3,1)=0.
op( 2, M );

SearchMatrix := proc( A :: Matrix, x :: anything, $ )
    return select( u -> A[op(u)] = x, { indices( A ) } ):
end proc:

# { [2,2], [3,1] }
SearchMatrix( M, 0 );




Hi @Adam Ledger ,

Maybe it is Maple's engine security.

I received the same error when I tried the code with an existing file, but after going to "Tools" > "Options" > "Security", checking "Enable engine security", adding the file under "Readable files", and choosing to "Apply to session", Maple read the file with no error.

Hi @kumar29 ,

When you make an implicit plot in Maple, the plot structure contains an array of the points, which can be extracted and exported. For example:

p := plots:-implicitplot( x^2 + y^2 - 1, x=-1..1, y=-1..1 );
A := op( [1,1], p );
ExcelTools:-Export( A, "data.xlsx" );

Hi @Annonymouse ,

I suggest the indets() command, which returns a set of indeterminates. You can then divide these into those that are variables and those that are parameters. Please try the following:

A := [ k[a1]*C[T]*(R-x[1]-x[2])-k[d1]*x[1], k[a2]*C[T]*(R-x[1]-x[2])-k[d2]*x[2] ];

# All indeterminates.
U := indets( A, 'name' );

# Variables.
V := select( u -> type( u, 'indexed' ) and member( op( 0, u ), ['x','y'] ), U );
v := numelems( V );

# Parameters.
P := U minus V;
p := numelems( P );

Hi @student_md

If you specify the 'insequence'=true option for display(), you can create the animation. Here's my variation:


# endpoints for extension
a, b := -Pi, Pi;

# original function
f := t -> t / Pi;

# periodic extension
g := proc(t)
  option cache:
  piecewise( t > b, g(t+a-b), t < a, g(t+b-a), f(t) ):
end proc:

# constant term of Fourier series
alpha := 1/(b-a) * int( f(t), t=a..b );

# Fourier cosine coefficients
A := unapply( simplify( 2/(b-a) * int( f(t) * cos(2*Pi/(b-a)*n*t), t=a..b ) ), n ) assuming n :: posint;

# Fourier sine coefficients
B := unapply( simplify( 2/(b-a) * int( f(t) * sin(2*Pi/(b-a)*n*t), t=a..b ) ), n ) assuming n :: posint;

# Inert Fourier series
F := unapply( alpha/2 + Sum( A(n) * cos(2*Pi/(b-a)*n*t) + B(n) * sin(2*Pi/(b-a)*n*t), n=1..infinity ), t );

# Truncated series
G := proc( t, m )
  alpha/2 + add( A(n) * cos(2*Pi/(b-a)*n*t) + B(n) * sin(2*Pi/(b-a)*n*t), n=1..m ):
end proc:

# animation
M := 20:
plots:-display( seq( plot( [ 'g'(t), 'G'(t,m) ], 'tickmarks'=[piticks,[-1,1]], 'color'=[blue,red], 'thickness'=3, 'discont'=true ), m=1..M ), 'insequence'=true );


Hi @Dim


If you are using the default grading code


for a Maple-graded question, it won't mark equations as being equal, since it is comparing the difference with zero. However, this should work:


To make the grading code more robust, you can also allow for equivalent equations:

EquivEQ := proc( A :: 'Or'(equation,algebraic), B :: 'Or'(equation,algebraic), { params :: set := {} } )
    local phi, X, Y, k, sol:
    phi := u -> `if`( type( u, 'equation' ), lhs(u) - rhs(u), u ):
    X := simplify( phi(A) ):
    Y := simplify( phi(B) ):
    sol := solve( { X = k * Y, k <> 0 }, k ):
    return is( numelems( sol ) = 1 and indets( sol ) = { k } union params ):
end proc:


For an example in Maple:

f := s*Y(s)-2-3*Y(s) = 2/(s-1);
g := simplify( f );
evalb( f = g ); # false
is( f = g ); # false
EquivEQ( f, g ); # true



Hi @josephrajck

This works for me for the parameter value I chose, but there is probably a more robust way:


UseHardwareFloats := false:
Digits := 35:

# Van der Pol oscillator.
mu := 4.0;
de := diff( x(t), t ) - y(t), diff( y(t), t ) - mu * ( 1 - x(t)^2 ) * y(t) + x(t);

# Parametric initial conditions.
ic := x(0) = a, y(0) = b;

# Parametric solution of IVP.
sol1 := dsolve( { de, ic }, { x(t), y(t) }, 'numeric', 'abserr'=1e-25, 'parameters'=[a,b] ):

# Objective function, requiring periodicity.
phi := proc( a__0, b__0, tau__0 )
    sol1( 'parameters' = [ 'a'=a__0, 'b'=b__0 ] ):    
    eval( ( x(t) - a__0 )^2 + ( y(t) - b__0 )^2, sol1( tau__0 ) ):
end proc:

# Bounds on parameters.
a__r, b__r, tau__r := -3..3, -7..7, 1..25:

# Plot to estimate initial values for parameters.
DEtools:-DEplot( { de }, { x(t), y(t) }, t=tau__r, x=a__r, y=b__r, 'dirfield'=500 );

# Estimate for parameters.
P := [ a=1.5, b=-0.25, tau=10.0 ];

# Determine parameters [a,b,tau] based on constraint phi(a,b,tau)=0.
sol2 := Optimization:-NLPSolve( 'phi(a,b,tau)', 'initialpoint'=P ):

# Assign parameter values.
assign( sol2[2] ):

# Fix solution for the parameter values.
sol3 := dsolve( { de, ic }, { x(t), y(t) }, 'numeric', 'abserr'=1e-25 ):

# Choose smallest tau (period).
while true do
    d := fnormal( eval( ( x(t) - a )^2 + ( y(t) - b )^2, sol3( tau/2 ) ), 1e-10 ):
    if d = 0 then
        tau := tau/2:
    end if:
end do:

# Print values.
'a' = a, 'b' = b, 'tau' = tau;

# Plots.
p := DEtools:-DEplot( { de }, { x(t), y(t) }, t=0..5*tau, x=a__r, y=b__r, 'dirfield'=5000 ):
q := plots:-odeplot( sol3, [ x(t), y(t) ], t=0..tau, 'numpoints'=1000, 'color'=blue, 'thickness'=3 ):
plots:-display( [ p, q ] );

Hi @sideshow

Does this work for you?

f := rand( 1..2 ):
RM := Matrix( 10, 10, (i,j) -> (-1)^f() );

Hi @rahinui ,

The :- oparator will work. It will tell Maple to use the global, unassigned version:


foo1 := proc( {param:={}}, $)
end proc:



foo1 := proc( {param:={}}, $)
end proc:

Hi @MALU ,


I didn't have any luck with applyrule(), but I did with evalindets():

r := u -> op(0,u)[1](op(1..2,u)) * op(0,u)[2](op(3..4,u));
evalindets( f(t,x,y,z), function, r );
evalindets( g(a,b,c,d), function, r );


Hi @ngon,


Do you happen to have the so-called “God Mode” for Control Panel running on your desktop? The folder is named


but it looks like the Control Panel icon with no name. Does removing this folder help? Alternatively, you might try updating the version of the JRE used by Maple 2017:



Hi @ozbayargorkem

Assuming you're using 64-bit Maple 2017 (not 17) on 64-bit Windows, I think you need to add the line


to your

C:\Program Files\Maple 2017\bin.X86_64_WINDOWS\maplelauncher.l4j.ini

file. You may need to save the original file to your Desktop, make and save the change, and then drag-and-drop it back to the original folder.

For Maple 17, though, you will need to add


to the

C:\Program Files\Maple 17\bin.X86_64_WINDOWS\launch.ini



Hi @Earl,

A variation of @Joe Riel's suggestion would be to use map[3]():

map[3]( P, [ A1, A2, A3, A4 ], [ B1, B2, B3, B4 ], 0 );

Here, the two lists are treated as direct arguments for P, and P is distributed over the (unused) argument of 0, with the result not being a list.


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