Melvin Brown

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18 years, 332 days

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MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by Melvin Brown


Tom each time I open a worksheet, (MAPLE 2018.2 Build 1362973), I get:

Warning, .hdb help databases are deprecated, 'C:\Program Files\Maple 2018\lib\OrthogonalExpansions.hdb' will not be used, see ?HelpTools,Migrate help page for more information

I then run....
"Converting C:\\Program Files\\Maple 2018\\lib\\OrthogonalExpansions.hdb to C:\\Program Files\\Maple 2018\\lib\\"
Error, (in HelpTools:-HelpCall) cannot create help database: 'unable to open database file' I think this might be preventing me from getting a solution to the PDE problem....

Any thoughts... anyone?



@Carl Love 



I am getting the following message at the head my worksheets when opening a new one:

Warning, .hdb help databases are deprecated, 'C:\Program Files\Maple 2018\lib\OrthogonalExpansions.hdb' will not be used, see ?HelpTools,Migrate help page for more information
"Converting C:\\Program Files\\Maple 2018\\lib\\OrthogonalExpansions.hdb to C:\\Program Files\\Maple 2018\\lib\\"
Error, (in HelpTools:-HelpCall) cannot create help database: 'unable to open database file'

I think this might be the source of the PDE problem I have discussed with Tom Leslie.  Can you help me unpick the situation?




Many thanks; that was what I was expecting.... BUT

I have just run your code on my MAPLE 18.2 version...but it fails to provide a solution to the PDE...I attach link to the code I is at the end of the file...

Could you check out your solution on MAPLE 18.2, to determine whether I need to move up to MAPLE 19?

Thanks for your support...




Many thanks for your useful response.  Clearly one should be careful in using the FT package! 

My interest arose from exploring how to best to solve a pair 2 coupled PDEs in functions r(x,y) and i(x,y) comprising D1 and D2 derivatives.



Thanks for your suggestion to attempt solution of the single complex equation...I'll see how it goes.

Melvin Brown

@tomleslie ]


Thanks for confirming that the numerical solution method is indeed not feasible in this case.  I'll therefore have a go at the analytic approach. I am currently setting up set up the ICs and BCs and will then have a shot at a solution. 

If I get stuck I'll upload the worksheet for you to take a look at.



Thanks for your guidance.  I'll see how it goes.



... great, that works well.





Thanks; that's great help.




Thanks for clearing up the code; much appreciated.



@Carl Love 


Many thanks; that has cleared up my problem.



many thanks; even shorter and same answers as other 2 solutions


@Carl Love @Kitonum

Many thanks to you both for your impressively prompt reponses and your neat solutions to my problem - and the benefit of cross checking two solutions tothe same problem.  I can now get ahead; cheers.

Melvin Brown



Are there any plans to extend pdsolve,numeric to solving for functions of more than 2 independent variables?


@Preben Alsholm 

Thanks again for this and your other contribution 'On using the transform; very helpful. Yes, I wanted to have both the particle and the plots; you and Kitonum, between you, have supplied both!

Much appreciated


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