
98 Reputation

6 Badges

17 years, 129 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by Melykin



Ignore my earlier question.  I tried linestyle = solid instead of linetype = solid in contourplot3d and it worked.   Although maybe it is because I first tried a spacecurve command using linestyle = solid first.  Dakota 10 (below) says he/she got an arrow vector command to work after putting the linestyle = solid in a separate spacecurve command .  It is disturbing that Maple is doing weird stuff in Windows 8.1.  I'm using Maple 18.01 on a Surface Pro 3.  



Any ideas on how to make contourplot3d work in Windows 8?  It won't take the linetype=solid option.  

@Mac Dude 


Thanks for this info, Mac Dude--very useful.   I really don't know anything about all these new features of Maple.  I keep saying I will learn, but always seem to stick to the old ways.  I hope this isn't a sign that I'm getting old!  (I AM old :-)  I must make a point of learning about these frames, etc.  


Thanks again.


@Mac Dude 

Yes, I came across the TNBFrame() while looking at the help (I think I was searching for osculating circle).   I was going to use it to show to my class, but there didn't seem to be a way to control the size or quality of the output (thickness of vectors, that sort of thing).  It might be better for students  to look at on their own, rather than displaying on a projector.  I'm kind of a control freak about plots so I like to write my own procedures so I can make them the way I want them.   However, I haven't got the osculating circle in my plot, and the TNBFrame does.   I'll have to work on that. 

Thanks, I got it to work now.  Still now sure why it wasn't working before.  

Purple vector - velocity

light green vector - acceleration

the three small vectors are the unit Tangent, the Normal and the Binormal. 

Thanks, I got it to work now.  Still now sure why it wasn't working before.  

Purple vector - velocity

light green vector - acceleration

the three small vectors are the unit Tangent, the Normal and the Binormal. 

It has started working!  Must have been something else the matter with it.  Thank you anyways!


I would post my animation here, but I'm not sure how.  It really helps my calc 3 students understand about space curves, or so they tell me.  




It has started working!  Must have been something else the matter with it.  Thank you anyways!


I would post my animation here, but I'm not sure how.  It really helps my calc 3 students understand about space curves, or so they tell me.  




That works.  I wonder if there is a way to do this using implicitplot3d, to plot a vertical plane with thickness.  

That works.  I wonder if there is a way to do this using implicitplot3d, to plot a vertical plane with thickness.  

Thanks, that works too.

Thanks, that works too.

piecewise works great.


display([plot3d(0, x = -3 .. 3, y = -3 .. 3, transparency = .9, grid = [7, 7]), plot3d(x^2+y^2+2*x, x = 0 .. 3, y = piecewise(x < 2, sqrt(4-x^2), 0) .. sqrt(9-x^2), lightmodel = light1, style = patchnogrid, axes = normal), plot3d(.1, x = 0 .. 3, y = piecewise(x < 2, sqrt(4-x^2), 0) .. sqrt(9-x^2), lightmodel = light3, style = patchnogrid), spacecurve([2, 0, t], t = 0 .. 8, linestyle = dash, color = black, thickness = 2), spacecurve([3, 0, t], t = 0 .. 15, linestyle = dash, color = black, thickness = 2), spacecurve([0, 2, t], t = 0 .. 4, linestyle = dash, color = black, thickness = 2), spacecurve([0, 3, t], t = 0 .. 9, linestyle = dash, color = black, thickness = 2)])

piecewise works great.


display([plot3d(0, x = -3 .. 3, y = -3 .. 3, transparency = .9, grid = [7, 7]), plot3d(x^2+y^2+2*x, x = 0 .. 3, y = piecewise(x < 2, sqrt(4-x^2), 0) .. sqrt(9-x^2), lightmodel = light1, style = patchnogrid, axes = normal), plot3d(.1, x = 0 .. 3, y = piecewise(x < 2, sqrt(4-x^2), 0) .. sqrt(9-x^2), lightmodel = light3, style = patchnogrid), spacecurve([2, 0, t], t = 0 .. 8, linestyle = dash, color = black, thickness = 2), spacecurve([3, 0, t], t = 0 .. 15, linestyle = dash, color = black, thickness = 2), spacecurve([0, 2, t], t = 0 .. 4, linestyle = dash, color = black, thickness = 2), spacecurve([0, 3, t], t = 0 .. 9, linestyle = dash, color = black, thickness = 2)])

I was hoping to be able to colour in a pie-shaped wedge by restricting theta, for example:


polarplot([cos(t), sin(t), t = (1/16)*Pi .. 3*Pi*(1/16)], color = "NavyBlue", thickness = 3, filled = [color = "Blue", transparency = .5])


But it doesn't do what I had hoped.  Am I doing something wrong?

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