Muhammad Ali

Muhammad Ali

75 Reputation

4 Badges

15 years, 87 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by Muhammad Ali

I have a rank 1 array M of 1000 values.

I want to apply a function f on each value of M and its location giving,

[f(1,M[1]), f(2,M[2]), ... , f(1000,M[1000])]

is it possible to get this using map or map2 or map[n] or maptype (without using seq since its slowing down computation).

inotherwords can i access the member location inside a map evaluation?

When greek symbols are used in code edit region (by copying from worksheet 2d math mode), they used to get exported properly to PDF but the only issue was large code edit region used to get cut off. But now with this new 18.01 update, code edit region is not cut off but greek symbol inside code edit region are not appearing in PDF export instead just pink boxes. Has anyone else also encountered this issue and suggest a resolution.



Since i already have a working eclipse environment, I want to ask whether Maple IDE is available as an Eclipse Plugin. Also is there any trial version available. Is it possible to use Maple IDE with maple worksheet environment so for example i prepare a document inside maple and write codes procedures separately in maple IDE file and call them where ever i want inside the worksheet. Also what file format Maple IDE supports (Sorry the only files in maple i have used is .mw). Moreover can i use Maple IDE without relying on maple worksheet enviroment in other words is maple graphics (like plots viewable in Maple IDE like for R programming Language, R Eclipse Plugin has graphics section inside eclipse as well).



My problem is i am working with a very large randomly generated output, generated using maple's builtin in random generating functions. I have the output which i want to investigate but i want to be able to reproduce this result when i save and close the worksheet. Since the list of generators is very long copy pasting is not very nice and i donot know the seed of these generaters. I want to ask if i can store the values in variable in the worksheet so that when i open the worksheet i can get the same random generates stored in the variable.


I have been looking at some new models of Casio Scientific Calculators and came across with "Fx-115es Plus" Model which seem to have a some sort of simple CAS(Computer Algebra System) built into it.

Two new features which i really liked were

(i) Ability to make any part of the expression inert and simplying the rest.

(ii) Fully Integrated Repeated decimal display for fractions.


I want to ask if there is any builtin commands that can achieve these two effects in maple.

I will give some example for each of these

(i) simplifying say 2^3*2^4 in maple gives 32.

but forexample if i want to make 2 in the bases inert then simplifying the result should give 2^7

if i make 3 inert then the result is 16*2^3

if i make 4 inert then the result is 8*2^4

another example say (2^3)^4 in maple gives 4096

but if i make 2 inert then the result should be 2^12

if i make 3 inert then the result is 16^3

if i make 4 inert then the result is 8^4

In this way it is possible to keep any interesting part of large complex expression unevaluated and simplifying the rest across it to maintain focus on the interesting part.

I know i can try to achieve this effect by using unevaluation quotes but they get messy and harder to track in large nested forms.

Another approach might be to replace the inert parts by explicit undeclared symbols with required assumptions and simplifying, but this is not it.

I know in Maple 18 they have introduced some package called InertForm or something, can it achieve this effect and also mark inert parts of the expression as grey like it is possible for some operators.

(ii) the example for the second is quite obvious, say given the fraction 237/14, evalf of this gives 16.92857143 but a result like 16.9Overscript[285714, _] is more closer to differentiation it from a irrational expansion. Sorry i donot know how to pretty print this here.

Another advantage is when i want to give some large repeating decimal expansion and have maple convert it to fractional form. Currently i have no idea how many times to repeat the decimals explicitly to make maple understand that it is a repeating decimal expansion.

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