55 Reputation

4 Badges

10 years, 66 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by NOh

@ecterrab Thank you for your reply. Unfortunately I am unable to open your linked file and I do not see the image of your post either :/. If I "Save linked file as..." your link I get: "ViewTemp.ashx" and no Maple-worksheet. Can you explain to me how I can get your file?


Cheers NOh

nich@ecterrab I will be back at my desk on monday and will describe what I am trying to do in more detail then.

Have a nice weekend


@Preben Alsholm My bad. Actually n is a given number. Any thoughts about the performance of mtaylor compared to add(coeff(...)...) ?




@ecterrab Thank you, thank you, thank you

@ecterrab Thank you for the quick response! Much appreciated.

@ecterrab This slightly more complex example however does not work:



f3(0);   # results in 0 instead of 1!



f3:=n->sum('Comm'(j),j=0..n^2); # does

@acer  Thank you.

@ecterrab Thank you.

@ecterrab here is a worksheet which shows what I am trying to do. I define the matrix with quantumoperators from the physics .





@ecterrab I will do so first thing in the morning.

@ecterrab Thank you. Works like a charm :).

Bracket-rules can be used in conjunction with an operator, however the following doesn't work:

neither does the manual variant:

because if I enter:

Bracket(Bra(Psi,1,1),A1,Ket(Psi,1,1)) I get f2(...) instead of f1(...)

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