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7 years, 113 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by NorwegianStudent


This was very helpful, but I'm also having trouble seiing how you determined the mask. How would I go about determining the mask for , for example? 


I've loaded my image (which is a .jpg) and converted it to Grayscale using the ToGrayscale-command in Imagetools. Then I've used the DFT-command from the SignalProcessing-package to transform the array as I couldn't get the command from DiscreteTransforms to work. I can see that the command changed the data tye of the array from float[8] to complex[8]. My issue now is that I don't know how to view or save the image of the frequency domain that the DFT-command should return. Embed/View from the Image-tools package doesn't work. My apologies if this exchange has been frustrating for you. I am merely a student that has just been introduced to Fourier Transforms, and I'm a complete novice when it comes to Maple. If this isn't worth your time, I'd appreciate it if you simply told me instead of being snarky.

Thanks for the help.


I'm aware it can be done, but my question is how I go about 2d-transforming an image in Maple, i.e what would the commands be.


I'm writing a project on using Fourier Transform in Maple, so my interest was to take a color photo, grayscale it and add some periodic noise which will be shown as horizontal or vertical lines in the frequency domain. I was under the impression that I could remove these lines in an image editor and then use an inverse Fourier Transform to reproduce the original image without the noise. I'll add an image to show what I'm aiming for. 

If the 2D Fourier-Transform in Maple could aid me in doing this, I'd be chuffed.

@Christopher2222 I'll give renaming a shot I guess. Where would I rename the package, would it be in the lib-file, or is simply changing the name of the directory the package is located in enough?

@rlopez Thanks, silly mistake by me. I'm interested in using some of the commands from the FourierSeries package by Amir Khanshan described in your "Teaching Fourier Series with Maple - Part 2", and I've included the package and libname in my Maple.ini-file as I did when adding the package by Wilhelm Werner. My problem is that I have no way of including the second package, as both packages relies on with(FourierSeries) to load the package. Do you have any idea on how one would go about using both packages on single worksheet/document?


@rlopez I managed to install and use the package by Wilhem Werner, but I'm getting some discrepancies between the values returned by FourierCoeff and the values that the integral for an should return. Take the attached picture, for example; FourierCoeff gives an = 4/n2, but the integral returns a value of 1/2 for n=2. Any idea why this happens?

@rlopez That's pretty neat. Do you happen to have any idea one how one would approach graphing functions with jump discontinuities?

@rlopez Thanks for the reply. I'd love to use Verner's package, but as I'm bewildered by the cumbersome process of adding the package I've gone with OrthogonalExpansions directly from MapleCloud for now. My only concern now is figuring out how to plot a periodic function, I'm sure I'll figure that out though. I appreciate the help as Maple can be a bit overwhelming at times for a new user like me.

@tomleslie My understanding was that the packafe I linked to had some added commands to graph periodic functions more easily than with the built-in commands. I'm pretty new to Maple and I'm struggling to plot periodic functions and the Fourier Series itself, so I was looking for a way to alleviate my issues.


I'm getting a typesetting error when following the instructions in the readme file...

"Error, `Typesetting` does not evaluate to a module"

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