
70 Reputation

6 Badges

9 years, 346 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by Parham2016


hi all,

How could I write long commands in Maple?

For instance: a long vector in Matlab could be written in this way:

A=[ 3, 4, 5, 6, 6, 45, 37...

5, 4, 67, 39, -967 ];

But what is that in Maple??? 


Hi all,

If you want to introduce the Heun Function to someone who dose not know anything about it (in the simple and not boring terms ), what would you do in the best??

As all of us know there are 5 Heun Functions: HeunB, HeunC, HeunD, HeunG and HeunT...

In the Maple help there is not enough and interesting information, and in the net I found complicated things about HeunT Function!!!


Dear, I want you to send me a simple definition about    HeunT  Function   in just one word page.





Hi all, if there anyone eho couyld help me with this difficult problem. I couldn't solve the attached nonhomogeneous equation...

But I found one series solution which doesn't satisfy the command: odetest (Solution, ode)




M := diff(T(r), r, r)+(diff(T(r), r))/r+u*(-8*B*U+N)*T(r)+P*(r^4+r^2) = 0

diff(diff(T(r), r), r)+(diff(T(r), r))/r+u*(-8*B*U+N)*T(r)+P*(r^4+r^2) = 0




T(r) = BesselJ(0, (-8*B*U*u+N*u)^(1/2)*r)*_C2+BesselY(0, (-8*B*U*u+N*u)^(1/2)*r)*_C1+64*P*(1+(r^2+1)*(B*U-(1/8)*N)^2*r^2*u^2+2*(B*U-(1/8)*N)*(r^2+1/4)*u)/(u^3*(8*B*U-N)^3)



ics := (D(T))(0) = 0

(D(T))(0) = 0



dsolve({M, ics})

T(r) = 64*P*(1+(r^2+1)*(B*U-(1/8)*N)^2*r^2*u^2+2*(B*U-(1/8)*N)*(r^2+1/4)*u)/(u^3*(8*B*U-N)^3)






Hi everybody,

I want to solve this nonhomogeneous equation. Please tell me if it is true? I'm sure the BesselJ will not be disapper when the boundary condition is exerted... But the final solution showes the opposite one. BesselY must be disappear, because the boundary condition says in r=0, the solution is finite....


Thanks a lot.


Hi all,

I want to solve a cubic equation as is attached here. I solved it in my Maple file which is attached too. But mu result differs from that is showed in the picture. help me please.



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