
530 Reputation

10 Badges

19 years, 160 days
Paul DeMarco is the Director of Development at Maplesoft, a position that has him involved with technical planning and development of Maple and the various core technologies that use Maple as a computation engine. He joined Maplesoft in September 1996 while studying at the University of Waterloo in the CS/EEE program -- a track that combines core math and computer science courses with electrical engineering electives. Paul's development work in the Math and Kernel Groups over the years touches a wide variety of areas, including algorithms, data structures, and connectivity with other products. He is also involved with core Maple as well as Maple T.A.

MaplePrimes Activity

These are answers submitted by Paul

To protect against corruption of a repository on a multi-user system, or when multiple Maple sessions are open and writing to the same repository, Maple uses POSIX locks via the lockf() command. I don't know why there would be a lock set on your repository -- possibly there is a hung mserver process still running on your system? If necessary you can bypass repository locking by setting the environment variable DISABLELOCKING=1.
Only one OpenMaple connection is allowed per process, so you can't call StartMaple a second time in another thread. However, with Maple 11's Threads package you can start multiple threads within a shared kernel. Take a look at ?Threads -PD
The Maple help page ?Matlab,setup describes what needs to be done before a link to the MATLAB engine can be established. I've pasted this page below. Note that this statment is misleading: "If with(Matlab) returns an error, then you should follow the instructions in this document." Loading the Matlab package nolonger establishes the link to Matlab, as not all commands in this package need to call Matlab in order to compute. The first command that uses MATLAB will try to establish the link. The statement should instead say, "if Matlab[openlink]() returns an error, ...". Here are the setup instructions: Configuring a Computer for Matlab The Maple-MATLAB link works with MATLAB version 7 (R14) on most platforms that have Maple and MATLAB versions. Versions of Maple running on Macintosh, Compaq True64, SGI IRIX, and IBM-AIX use MATLAB version 6.5 (R13). To determine if the link works on a platform, use the following Maple command. `Matlab/valid_os`(); For the Maple-MATLAB link to work properly, you may have to update your configuration files. If the command with(Matlab) returns a list of function names, then your setup is correct and no additional configuration is necessary. If Matlab[openlink]() returns an error, then you should follow the instructions in this document. Since setup is platform-dependent, follow the instructions for your machine architecture. Windows 98 and ME The following instructions describe how to set the path and update the Windows Registry. These instructions assume that MATLAB is installed on the C: drive in a directory called MATLAB. Substitute the appropriate drive letter and directory name if necessary. 1. Add the following line to the end of your Autoexec.bat file to specify the correct version of MATLAB. SET PATH=%PATH%;C:\MATLAB7; 2. To restart the computer, click the Start button, then Shutdown, and then Restart. 3. Start Maple and enter the command with(Matlab). If this command returns a list of function names, then the Maple-MATLAB link is working correctly. If this command returns an error, proceed to the next step. 4. To open a DOS window, click the Start button, then Programs, then Accessories, and then Command Prompt. 5. To change to the bin directory, enter the following command at the prompt in the DOS window. c: cd \MATLAB7\BIN\WIN32 6. To update the registry, enter the following command. matlab /regserver 7. Start Maple and enter the command with(Matlab). If this command does not return a list of function names, review the first six steps. If problems persist, contact Maple Technical Support. Windows NT, 2000, and XP The following instructions describe how to set the path and update the Windows Registry. These instructions assume that you are logged on as an administrator and that MATLAB is installed on the C: drive in a directory called MATLAB. Substitute the appropriate drive letter and directory name if necessary. 1. To open the System Window in the Control Panel, click the Start button, then Settings, and then Control Panel. 2. Double-click System. 3. Specify user variables: - For Windows NT, in the System Properties dialog box, select the Environment tab. - For Windows 2000, select the Advanced tab and click the Environment Variables button. Look at the User Variables section. - For Windows XP, select Start>Control Panel>System. Click the Advanced tab. Double-click the Environment Variables button. Double-click Path. You must specify the correct version of MATLAB for the PATH. If there is an entry with Value PATH, then click that entry. Append the text c:\matlab7\bin\win32 to the Value field and click OK. Otherwise, add the text PATH to the Variable field, add the text c:\matlab7\bin\win32 to the Value field and click OK. 4. To restart the computer, click the Start button, then Shutdown, and then Restart. 5. Start Maple and enter the command with(Matlab). If this command returns a list of function names, then the Maple-MATLAB link is working correctly. If this command results in an error, proceed to the next step. 6. To open a DOS window, click the Start button, then Programs, then Accessories, and then Command Prompt. 7. To change to the bin directory, enter the following command at the prompt in the DOS window. c: cd \MATLAB7\BIN\WIN32 8. To update the registry, enter the following command. matlab /regserver 9. Start Maple and enter the command with(Matlab). If this command does not return a list of function names, review the first six steps. If problems persist, contact Maple Technical Support. Macintosh Location of MATLAB Installation The location of the MATLAB installation must be set in the Info.plist file, inside the package. 1. Control-click the application icon (Maple and select Show Package Contents from the context menu. 2. In the packages contents, open the Contents/Info.plist folder. 3. Find the lines (ll. 123-124): matlab.basedir 4. Between and , enter the base install directory of your MATLAB installation. For example, if MATLAB is installed in /Applications/MATLAB701, then the second line must be changed to /Applications/MATLAB701. 5. Save the file and restart Maple. Standard Worksheet - Execute the Matlab_setup script found in /Library/Frameworks/Maple.framework/Versions/10/bin. Command-Line Maple Some environment variables must be defined in the Maple script. The following instructions describe how to edit this script. These instructions assume that MATLAB is installed in /Applications/Matlab. Substitute the appropriate path if necessary. 1. Remove the comment characters (#) from the lines that look like the following example. MATLAB=/Applications/matlab export MATLAB 2. Locate your system type in the lines that follow the text in step 1. Remove the comment characters (#) from the appropriate lines for your system. The string "$MATLAB/extern/lib/$SYS" (where $SYS is your Macintosh platform) must resolve to a valid directory where the MATLAB shared libraries are located. The string "$MATLAB/bin" must resolve to a valid directory where the MATLAB binaries are located. UNIX and Linux Some environment variables must be defined in the Maple script $MAPLE/bin/maple. The following instructions describe how to edit this script. Use your favorite text editor that preserves line breaks. These instructions assume that MATLAB is installed in /usr/local/matlab. Substitute the appropriate path if necessary. 1. Remove the comment characters (#) from all lines mentioning MATLAB for a given platform, for example: MATLAB=/usr/local/matlab export MATLAB 2. Locate your system type in the lines that follow the text in step 1. Remove the comment characters (#) from the appropriate lines for your system. - The string "$MATLAB/extern/lib/$SYS" (where $SYS is your UNIX platform) must resolve to a valid directory where the MATLAB shared libraries are located. To locate the string, simply search for "$MATLAB/extern/lib". - The string "$MATLAB/bin" must resolve to a valid directory where the MATLAB binaries are located. - Remove the comment characters (#) from the lines LD_LIBRARY_PATH = ... and PATH = ... for your system type.
This bit of code aught to work in general, but runs into the problem that gcd(D,D/(1+D)) balks at the fact that D/(1+D) is not a polynomial in your sample matrix. Note that this code can be greatly simplified if it expected a Matrix instead of matrix. ngcd := proc() if nargs = 1 then args[1]; elif type(nargs,'odd') then ngcd(seq(gcd(args[i],args[i+1]),i=1..trunc(nargs/2),2),args[nargs]); else ngcd(seq(gcd(args[i],args[i+1]),i=1..trunc(nargs/2),2)); end if; end proc: p := proc( M ) local m, n, B, i, j, row, v; (m,n) := op(map(rhs,[op(2,eval(M))])); B := array(1..m, 1..n); for i from 1 to m do row := seq(normal(M[i,j]),j=1..n); v := lcm(row)/ngcd(row); for j from 1 to n do B[i,j] := v * M[i,j]; end do; end do; return eval(B); end proc: M := array( [[ D+D^2, D^2, D], [1, (D+D^2)/(1+D), D/(1+D)] ] ); B := p(M); #error non-polynomial in gcd M := array( [[ D+D^2, D^2, D], [1, (D+D^2)/(1+D), D] ] ); B := p(M); #ok
Could you provide the example that is causing the memory problem? How much memory is being used? The following example seems ok: M := rtable(1..100,1..100,(i,j)->i*x+j*y*I); map(Re,M);
There is no command line argument or api command that will specifically disable the OpenMaple splash screen.
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