
30 Reputation

5 Badges

13 years, 133 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by PerKirkegaard


my problem is thoses students that don't listen to my good ideas. They are working with a non saved document. They have pressed "new document" and then they work, without saving. 

And sometimes their MAC (it's always MAC), stoppes, ie. we see that circle going round and round. 


Is there a list of "no go" characters somewhere?


But nothing so far. 


When I use Edit-execute-worksheet - i get "kernel connection lost"


Per K



@Mac Dude 

I don't understand the difference between those 2 Return/Enter



@Mac Dude 

What's the diffenrece ?



I need to change it permanently


Per K

@Markiyan Hirnyk 

Thanks thats just what I was looking for. 


Great help


Per Kirkegaard

I have tried to make a file and upload it. I hope I succed

a := [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10];

b := [300, 170, 90, 55, 35, 20, 12, 5, 2, 1];

db := `~`[`^`](b, 1/2);

db being errors

ErrorPlot(b, yerrors = db)

generates the errorplot.

f(x):=ExponentialFit(a,b,x) generates the function that I want plottet.


Per Kirkegaard

This was very helpfull.

Kind regards

Per Kirkegaard

When I get the answer from Support I will write on thes string.

Per Kirkegaard

When I get the answer from Support I will write on thes string.

Per Kirkegaard

Well As I see it the problem is, that this solution only works, when you know the result.

What I don't understand is why Maple doesn't get it right. 

By using least squares method this will generate 1*x^2 in hand calculation. 

Well As I see it the problem is, that this solution only works, when you know the result.

What I don't understand is why Maple doesn't get it right. 

By using least squares method this will generate 1*x^2 in hand calculation. 

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