Preben Alsholm

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by Preben Alsholm

@Alex Smith You are missing the point, which (as I understod it) was to integrate term by term, which is NOT done when you do

value(Int((sum(x^(2*k+1), k = 1 .. infinity))*sqrt(1-x), x = 0 .. 1));


Int((sum(x^(2*k+1), k = 1 .. infinity))*sqrt(1-x), x = 0 .. 1);

is not the integral of an infinite sum as I pointed out in my answer above (In the remark: "This is not really an infinite summation example since Maple first computes the sum").

@Alex Smith You are missing the point, which (as I understod it) was to integrate term by term, which is NOT done when you do

value(Int((sum(x^(2*k+1), k = 1 .. infinity))*sqrt(1-x), x = 0 .. 1));


Int((sum(x^(2*k+1), k = 1 .. infinity))*sqrt(1-x), x = 0 .. 1);

is not the integral of an infinite sum as I pointed out in my answer above (In the remark: "This is not really an infinite summation example since Maple first computes the sum").

@hirnyk You are quite right. Something seems to suggest that the exact answer is correct, but the numerical evaluation of it is rather sensitive to the value of Digits. According to Maple the sum

sum(int(x^(2*k+1)*sqrt(1-x), x = 0 .. 1), k = 1 .. infinity);

has the value

(1/8)*sqrt(Pi)*sqrt(2)*MeijerG([[1], [11/4, 13/4]], [[5/2, 2, 1], []], -1)

If you do

evalf(sum(int(x^(2*k+1)*sqrt(1-x), x = 0 .. 1), k = 1 .. infinity),6);

you are using Digits = 6 (regardless of the value of Digits).

Interestingly, you get a better (and roughly correct) result than if you Digits = 10 or 20 (in the latter case the result is 4.0448194072012987198*10^11-3.4793277886925613872*10^10*I, which obviously is far off.

@hirnyk You are quite right. Something seems to suggest that the exact answer is correct, but the numerical evaluation of it is rather sensitive to the value of Digits. According to Maple the sum

sum(int(x^(2*k+1)*sqrt(1-x), x = 0 .. 1), k = 1 .. infinity);

has the value

(1/8)*sqrt(Pi)*sqrt(2)*MeijerG([[1], [11/4, 13/4]], [[5/2, 2, 1], []], -1)

If you do

evalf(sum(int(x^(2*k+1)*sqrt(1-x), x = 0 .. 1), k = 1 .. infinity),6);

you are using Digits = 6 (regardless of the value of Digits).

Interestingly, you get a better (and roughly correct) result than if you Digits = 10 or 20 (in the latter case the result is 4.0448194072012987198*10^11-3.4793277886925613872*10^10*I, which obviously is far off.

@hirnyk Thanks for the example. Luckily I titled my answer "A quick fix" and ended with "I am not necessarily saying that it would be a good idea in general, though."

My point was to call attention to the last line in the procedure 'discont', which in its entirety reads like this:


discont := proc(f::algebraic, x::name)
local disr, disc;
   1   if nargs <> 2 then
   2     error "exactly 2 arguments expected (f::algebraic,x::name)"
       end if;
   3   _EnvAllSolutions := true;
   4   disr := traperror(`discont/discontR`(f,x));
   5   if disr = lasterror then
   6     error "cannot determine discontinuities"
       end if;
   7   disc := traperror(`discont/discontC`(f,x));
   8   if disc = lasterror then
   9     error "cannot determine discontinuities"
       end if;
  10   disc := `discont/RootOf`(`discont/RemoveIm`(`discont/duplicates`(`union`(disr,disc))));
  11   remove(type,disc,nonreal)
end proc

Another quick fix (definitely not a good idea in general) is to replace line 3 with _EnvAllSolutions := false;

which can be done by


This will handle both f and g, but would destroy discont(1/sin(x),x);

@hirnyk Thanks for the example. Luckily I titled my answer "A quick fix" and ended with "I am not necessarily saying that it would be a good idea in general, though."

My point was to call attention to the last line in the procedure 'discont', which in its entirety reads like this:


discont := proc(f::algebraic, x::name)
local disr, disc;
   1   if nargs <> 2 then
   2     error "exactly 2 arguments expected (f::algebraic,x::name)"
       end if;
   3   _EnvAllSolutions := true;
   4   disr := traperror(`discont/discontR`(f,x));
   5   if disr = lasterror then
   6     error "cannot determine discontinuities"
       end if;
   7   disc := traperror(`discont/discontC`(f,x));
   8   if disc = lasterror then
   9     error "cannot determine discontinuities"
       end if;
  10   disc := `discont/RootOf`(`discont/RemoveIm`(`discont/duplicates`(`union`(disr,disc))));
  11   remove(type,disc,nonreal)
end proc

Another quick fix (definitely not a good idea in general) is to replace line 3 with _EnvAllSolutions := false;

which can be done by


This will handle both f and g, but would destroy discont(1/sin(x),x);

@Ratch The Java based interface came with Maple 9. And I believe the 2D-input was introduced at the same time (not earlier for sure). Then Maple 9.5, 10, 11, 12, 13, and now 14. So that amounts to 7 levels.

@Ratch The Java based interface came with Maple 9. And I believe the 2D-input was introduced at the same time (not earlier for sure). Then Maple 9.5, 10, 11, 12, 13, and now 14. So that amounts to 7 levels.

@acer By clearing the remember table of `is/internal` and also removing option remember, FAIL is the result when Digits is raised to 300, but not with Digits = 30. But the procedure still remembers!

If only the remember table is removed the answers remain true.

table( [( Pi < 3.1415926535897932384626433 ) = true, ( 0., RealRange(Open(-3.1415926535897932384626433+Pi), infinity) ) = true ] )
table( [( Pi < 3.1415926535897932384626433 ) = FAIL, ( 0., RealRange(Open(-3.1415926535897932384626433+Pi), infinity) ) = FAIL ] )

@acer By clearing the remember table of `is/internal` and also removing option remember, FAIL is the result when Digits is raised to 300, but not with Digits = 30. But the procedure still remembers!

If only the remember table is removed the answers remain true.

table( [( Pi < 3.1415926535897932384626433 ) = true, ( 0., RealRange(Open(-3.1415926535897932384626433+Pi), infinity) ) = true ] )
table( [( Pi < 3.1415926535897932384626433 ) = FAIL, ( 0., RealRange(Open(-3.1415926535897932384626433+Pi), infinity) ) = FAIL ] )

There is still an rtable inside the procedure that you want to translate.

And also convert is not recognized:

doesnotworkeither := proc(p) convert(p,string) end proc;

Warning, the function names {convert} are not recognized in the target language
double doesnotworkeither (double p)
  return(convert(p, string));

There is still an rtable inside the procedure that you want to translate.

And also convert is not recognized:

doesnotworkeither := proc(p) convert(p,string) end proc;

Warning, the function names {convert} are not recognized in the target language
double doesnotworkeither (double p)
  return(convert(p, string));

@Joe Riel My last solution doesn't cover cases like

plot(aa*sin(x),x=0..b) assuming a=-2, b=7;

which clearly is not acceptable.

So I returned to the first version handling temporary assignments by actually assigning the parameters before evaluating the first argument to `assuming`.

However, for the first version to handle vectors and matrices  op(eval(res,par)) in the last line before 'end proc' replaces op(eval(res)). The eval was inserted to get procedural output (e.g. from dsolve/numeric) evaluated.

Probably more problems will turn up.

          proc(x::uneval,par1::list({equation,set(equation),list(equation)})) option overload;
           local par,res;
           end try;
          end proc,

@Joe Riel The following doesn't split mixed assumptions and temporary assignments, but does handle both classes.

        proc(x::uneval,a::list({equation,set(equation),list(equation)}),$) option overload;
            op(eval(x,ListTools:-Flatten(evalindets([a], set, [op]))));
        end proc,
plot(a*sin(x),x=0..b) assuming {a=-2,b=7};
param := {a=2,b=7}:
plot(a*sin(x),x=0..b) assuming param;
plot(a*sin(x),x=0..b) assuming a=-2,b=7;
plot(a*sin(x),x=0..b) assuming [a=-2],{b=Pi};
simplify(sqrt((x*y)^2)) assuming x>0,y>0;
int(exp(a*t),t=0..infinity) assuming a<0;

#Interestingly, this one works (with or without overloading), but in the result b is not replaced by 2:

int(exp(b*a*t),t=0..infinity) assuming b=2,a<0;

#This one doesn't work, because the main procedure doesn't accept sets or lists of properties.

int(exp(b*a*t),t=0..infinity) assuming {a<0,b=2};

@acer You are right. 'Using' sounds better.

And I have to get used to using the 'use' statement. I had almost forgotten its existence.

Unfortunately, with


neither one of
use param in plot(a*sin(x),x=0..b) end use;
use op(param) in plot(a*sin(x),x=0..b) end use;

works. It is convenient to have the parameters defined as a set or list since 'eval' doesn't accept a sequence, as does subs.

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