
50 Reputation

9 Badges

12 years, 132 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by STHence

Thanks you Markiyan, your code works very well.

Hi Joe,

thank you very much for your code. It works perfect.

I have one more question: how to find the infinity-norm of the transfer function?

There is an error that I have when using "MatrixNorm", and "TransferFunction" functions in Maple:

"Error, (in LinearAlgebra:-MatrixNorm) invalid input: LinearAlgebra:-MatrixNorm expects its 1st argument, M, to be of type Matrix but received (module () description "Transfer Function"; export tf, inputcount, outputcount, statecount, sampletime, discrete, systemname, inputvariable, outputvariable, statevariable, systemtype, ModulePrint; option _cmtransferfunction; end module)-(module () description "Transfer Function"; export tf, inputcount, outputcount, statecount, sampletime, discrete, systemname, inputvariable, outputvariable, statevariable, systemtype, ModulePrint; option _cmtransferfunction; end module)"


Hi Joe,

thank you very much for your code. It works perfect.

I have one more question: how to find the infinity-norm of the transfer function?

There is an error that I have when using "MatrixNorm", and "TransferFunction" functions in Maple:

"Error, (in LinearAlgebra:-MatrixNorm) invalid input: LinearAlgebra:-MatrixNorm expects its 1st argument, M, to be of type Matrix but received (module () description "Transfer Function"; export tf, inputcount, outputcount, statecount, sampletime, discrete, systemname, inputvariable, outputvariable, statevariable, systemtype, ModulePrint; option _cmtransferfunction; end module)-(module () description "Transfer Function"; export tf, inputcount, outputcount, statecount, sampletime, discrete, systemname, inputvariable, outputvariable, statevariable, systemtype, ModulePrint; option _cmtransferfunction; end module)"


Hi Preben Alsholm 

After running your code, the initial values of Y, namely Y0, are different from the initial values that we choose to find X0 and solve the differential equations.

The following picture is a comparison between the first output Y1 + 0.73451403e-1 from Maple and the real output.

Hi Preben Alsholm 

After running your code, the initial values of Y, namely Y0, are different from the initial values that we choose to find X0 and solve the differential equations.

The following picture is a comparison between the first output Y1 + 0.73451403e-1 from Maple and the real output.

I really appreciate your help @Preben Alsholm .

Your code is short and professional.

However, there are errors in the inital values of the output Y that is solved in Maple.

I really appreciate your help @Preben Alsholm .

Your code is short and professional.

However, there are errors in the inital values of the output Y that is solved in Maple.

Thanks you Preben,

Your idea is great, but there is the large error of the output at the beginning (t from 0 to 0.1). 

Can we solve the state space form without finding the initial values of the state X?

Thanks you Preben,

Your idea is great, but there is the large error of the output at the beginning (t from 0 to 0.1). 

Can we solve the state space form without finding the initial values of the state X?

Thank you Perben.

I can't run your program. What is the Maple code for X in your program?

Thank you Perben.

I can't run your program. What is the Maple code for X in your program?

Hi Preben,

Thank you for your help. I strongly belive that these eqns can have good approximated solutions.


Hi Preben,

Thank you for your help. I strongly belive that these eqns can have good approximated solutions.


Hi Carl,

Thank you for your help. 

I did what you recommend (LeastSquares function), and get X. After that, I compare the result: A.X - Y, but its error is very high (some rows > 10^-1, many rows> 10^-3)


Hi Carl,

Thank you for your help. 

I did what you recommend (LeastSquares function), and get X. After that, I compare the result: A.X - Y, but its error is very high (some rows > 10^-1, many rows> 10^-3)


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