
50 Reputation

9 Badges

12 years, 156 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by STHence

Hello Acer, I'm very glad you answer.

E is not symmetric. Matrices E,A,C,B are attached in this message.

My Riccati equations is for the descritor system: 

E.X_dot = A. X + B. U

Y = C.X

Thank you,

PS: Do you live in Kitchener-Waterloo, ON, Ca? If yes, I would like to make friend  with you and to drink coffee or beer together. 

Hi Joe,

Thank you for your help, and sorry for my delay reply.

Maple runs your code more than 15mins but can't give the solution. I also try to use "solve", but there is no solution yet.

In addition, the matrices E and A are attached in this message.

model17_A.txt   model17_E.txt 

Hi Joe,

Thank you for your help, and sorry for my delay reply.

Maple runs your code more than 15mins but can't give the solution. I also try to use "solve", but there is no solution yet.

In addition, the matrices E and A are attached in this message.

model17_A.txt   model17_E.txt 

@acer : In fact, I learned some Maple functions that I had never used before, such as Digits, ImportMatrix. Your answer helps me a lot. 

I also have another question as follows:

Thank you and have a great weekend.


@acer : In fact, I learned some Maple functions that I had never used before, such as Digits, ImportMatrix. Your answer helps me a lot. 

I also have another question as follows:

Thank you and have a great weekend.


Thanks you Acer,

I found another method to find the invertible matrices S and T such that S.E.T is a square diaginal matrix. That is a singular value decomposition (SVD).

Once more times, I really appreciate your help, Acer.




Thanks you Acer,

I found another method to find the invertible matrices S and T such that S.E.T is a square diaginal matrix. That is a singular value decomposition (SVD).

Once more times, I really appreciate your help, Acer.




Hi Acer,

Thank you very much for your useful codes. You're a Maple expert.

As you know, the determinant of E is very small (= -1.41e-029), even though its rank is 12 (if Digits = 17). Therefore, is E singular?

1. If E is singular, how can we determine its Smith Norm Form?

2. If Digits = 10, then Rank (E) = 10. Thus, how can we determine the Smith Norm Form whose rank is equal to the rank of E?

Hi Acer,

Thank you very much for your useful codes. You're a Maple expert.

As you know, the determinant of E is very small (= -1.41e-029), even though its rank is 12 (if Digits = 17). Therefore, is E singular?

1. If E is singular, how can we determine its Smith Norm Form?

2. If Digits = 10, then Rank (E) = 10. Thus, how can we determine the Smith Norm Form whose rank is equal to the rank of E?

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