
5 Reputation

3 Badges

13 years, 238 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by Sam54

Hi I'm trying to write a proc to takes a character and a string as inputs and as output tells you how many times the character shows up in the string.
I don't know what is wrong with the code


local counts,C,i,L:

for C from "a" to "z" do
counts[C]:= 0:
end do:
for i from 1 to L do
if C >= "a" and C <= "z" then
counts[C] := counts[C] + 1
end if;


for q from 11 to 100
for p from 1 to 200
for i from 1 to n
if p-a[1]-10*s*modq=0 then
if check=200 then

and the pseudocode:
1. L is the empty set
2. for q from 11 to 100
3. check=0
4. for p from 1 to 200
5. find n, the number of digits of p
6. for i from 1 to n
7. find a[i], the ith digit of p

Here is my code , could you please tell me where i'm going wrong... isn't plotting anything

Fern :=proc(n);
local pick,n;
n := NULL;
for n from 1 to n do 
pick := rand();
if pick < 0.01 then
x[n+1] := 0;
y[n+1] := 0.16*y[n];

else if pick < 0.01 + 0.85 then
x[n+1] := 0.85*x[n] + 0.04*y[n] + 0;
y[n+1] := -0.04*x[n] + 0.85*y[n] + 1.6;
else if pick < 0.01 + 0.85 + 0.07 then
x[n+1] := 0.2*x[n] - 0.26*y[n] + 0;
y[n+1] := 0.23*x[n] + 0.22*y[n] + 1.6;

Question: (how to do this)

Write a procedure that takes as input a lowercase text string and returns a list 26 integers.
the fist entry is a count of the number of letter 'a's,the second the number of lette 'b's ,.... , the 26th the numberof letter 'z'.

Thank you 

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