
607 Reputation

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20 years, 70 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by SandorSzabo

@Markiyan Hirnyk  yes, the next step. However, maybe someone who is expert in elliptic functions and Maple could derive it. 

@Carl Love 

Meanwhile I found a "solution".

Instead of  u1'(z) or  D(u1)(z)  the usage of

---    u1(z)

works well.               


Your answer is ok, works.
In fact, my original problem is the following:







So u_2 is a function, but u_2 is unchanged in  D(u_2).
I need more help.


Thanks for your answers, work well.
To my problem evalc is better fitted.


Very nice!  Only two questions: Does the Maplesoft DifferentialEquation updates can handle the initial conditions given in Vector  form? 
Does it work with Maple 15?

Those Alejandro Jakubi mention are from 2010.

  • What a surprise! One of my student asked the same. (He showed me corresponding Wolfram Math. commands and interested about the corresponding commands in Maple.)

Great! What I wanted. I prefer your first solution. Thanks.

Great! What I wanted. I prefer your first solution. Thanks.

Thanks. I see. Luckily the newer versions can handle this recursive problem.

Thanks. I see. Luckily the newer versions can handle this recursive problem.

@Markiyan Hirnyk Taking into account of the answer of acer it maybe a version problem.
Hopefully newer versions handle this problem properly.


I'm not an expert, but I think modifying temporarily Typesetting, interface, etc. somehow by Maple commands (demanding explicit use of multiplication symbol) could solve this problem.  I would like to
use it in a procedure.

I'm not an expert, but I think modifying temporarily Typesetting, interface, etc. somehow by Maple commands (demanding explicit use of multiplication symbol) could solve this problem.  I would like to
use it in a procedure.

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