
10 Reputation

One Badge

8 years, 61 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by Sannis


Tried to solve the PDE below (q and p are time-dependent variabels, q(t),p(t)):

pde := diff(rho(t, q, p), t) = -(diff(rho(t, q, p), q))*p+(diff(rho(t, q, p), p))*(2*q+2);

pdsolve(pde, rho(t, q, p));

And got the answer: 

rho(t, q, p) = _F1(p^2+2*q^2+4*q, -(1/2)*sqrt(2)*arctan((q+1)*sqrt(2)*(1/sqrt(p^2)))+t)

But I'm not sure how to interpret the result. I understand that  _F1 is an arbitrary function, but then I get confused with the comma? I thought that I'd get a function of q and p, where they depend on t. 

Best regards



For the last couple of days I've been trying really hard to solve the linear PDE 

dR/dt = -dRdH/dqdp + dRdH/(dpdq) . Where R is a function R(t,q(t),p(t)) and H is the hamiltonian H=  p^2/2 +q^2 +2*q .

(dH/dp= p and dH/dq= -2q-2), q and p depends on the time t, and I'm supposed to solve the PDE and then plot the gaussian distribution (2D). 

I tried doing this:

pde := diff(R(t, q1(t), p1(t)), t) = -(diff(R(t, q(t), p(t)), q(t)))*p(t)+(diff(R(t, q(t), p(t)), p(t)))*(-2*q(t)-2)

But pdsolve(pde) gives me:  "Error, (in pdsolve/info) the name of the indeterminate function must be given". 

When I change q(t) to q and p(t) to p I get:

R(t, q, p) = _F1(p^2-2*q^2-4*q, -(1/2)*ln(sqrt(2)*q+p+sqrt(2))*sqrt(2)+t)

And then I'm lost. How do I solve this PDE in maple? 

Thankful for any help 



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