Scot Gould

Scot Gould

792 Reputation

14 Badges

11 years, 198 days
Claremont McKenna, Pitzer, Scripps College
Professor of Physics
Upland, California, United States
Dr. Scot Gould is a professor of physics in the W.M. Keck Science Department of Claremont McKenna, Pitzer, and Scripps Colleges - members of The Claremont Colleges in California. He was involved in the early development of the atomic force microscope. His research has included numerous studies and experiments using scanning probe microscopes, particularly those involving natural fibers such as spider silk. More recently, he was involved in developing and sustaining AISS. This full-year multi-unit, non-traditional, interdisciplinary undergraduate science education course integrated topics from biology, chemistry, physics, mathematics, and computer science. His current interest is integrating computational topics into the physics curriculum. He teaches the use of Maple's computer algebraic and numerical systems to assist students in modeling and visualizing physical and biological systems. His Dirac-notation-based quantum mechanics course is taught solely through Maple.

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by Scot Gould

Since my problem involving a 2d heat equation was answered so well,

(hats off to nm !!) I thought I would try another PDE question.


Question: can pdsolve handle a combination of the function and its derivative for

the boundary conditions, i.e., Robin boundary conditions?


I looked through the document example, pdsolve_boundaryconditions, which was

beautifully written. However, I saw no example with Robin BCs.


"restart; interface(imaginaryunit = i):      StartTemp(x):= `T__0`*(e)^(-`alpha__0` )*cos(Pi*(x)/(`L__0`));   `L__0` := 10: #` Length of rod` `T__0` := 100: #` max temperature` `alpha__0` := 6/(100): #`  Dampening factor` plot(StartTemp(x) , x = 0 .. `L__0`,  thickness = 5,             view = [0..`L__0`, -100..100],  labels = ["Position on rod", "Temperature"], labelfont = [Times, 14],             labeldirections = [horizontal, vertical], title = "Temperature in rod at t = 0" , titlefont = [Times, 16],             size = [500, 225]);"

proc (x) options operator, arrow, function_assign; T__0*exp(-alpha__0)*cos(Pi*x/L__0) end proc



The equation and the initial condition:

heat_equation := diff(T(x, t), t) = k*(diff(T(x, t), x, x)); initial_condition := T(x, 0) = T__i(x)

Using a linear combination of the function and its derivative, i.e., Robin BCs.

boundary_conditions := `α__r`*T(0, t)+`β__r`*(D[1](T))(0, t) = f(t), `α__r`*T(L__0, t)+`β__r`*(D[1](T))(L__0, t) = g(t)


Setting the constants

"  `alpha__r` := 1:  #` Constant for boundary condition`  `beta__r` := 2: #` Constant for boundary condition`     `T__s`:= 10:  #` Time interval`  k:=9/(10):  #` Heat-conductivity of material`    f(t) :=-1/(10) t:                  g(t):=1/(10) t:  "

Solving using nm's technique of not defining the function before calling pdsolve

sols := pdsolve({heat_equation, boundary_conditions, initial_condition}, T(x, t))


Now include the initial temperature function

"`T__i`(x) := StartTemp(x):  "

Extracting the solution, and using 20 terms

sol := eval(rhs(sols), infinity = 20)

-134/135+(1/270)*x^3-(7/90)*x^2+(67/135)*x+Sum(exp(-(9/1000)*Pi^2*n^2*t)*(Pi*n*cos((1/10)*n*Pi*x)-5*sin((1/10)*n*Pi*x))*(Int(-(x^3-21*x^2+134*x-27000*exp(-3/50)*cos((1/10)*Pi*x)-268)*(Pi*n*cos((1/10)*n*Pi*x)-5*sin((1/10)*n*Pi*x)), x = 0 .. 10))/(1350*Pi^2*n^2+33750), n = 1 .. 20)+(1/50)*t*x-(7/50)*t


Evaluate the integrals and build the solution to the temperature as a function of position and time

T__sol := MakeFunction(value(sol), x, t)


Here is the problem:

in plotting the solution at t = 0, we do NOT reproduce the initial temperature function.


plot(T__sol(x, 0), x = 0 .. L__0, -120 .. 120, thickness = 5, size = [500, 225])


If I use boundary conditions for either Dirichlet or Neumann, i.e., T(0, t) & T(L__0, t) 

or "`T__x`(0,t) & `T__x`(`L__0`,t)", the initial function is reproduced at t = 0.


Is this example one of those situations that was addressed in the notes?

Given a problem with PDEs and some BCs, note the following:


Depending on how you write a general PDE solution, it becomes
possible or nearly impossible to adjust it to match the BCs.




2D Heat Equation problem.


In most cases, pdsolve generates expected results. For this one, it does not. Is there an obvious error

in my worksheet?


restart; interface(imaginaryunit = i); heat_equation := diff(T(x, y, t), t) = k*(diff(T(x, y, t), x, x)+diff(T(x, y, t), y, y))


Writing out the boundary conditions:

bces := T(0, y, t) = 0, T(L, y, t) = 0, T(x, 0, t) = 0, T(x, L, t) = 0

Writing out the initial conditions

ice := T(x, y, 0) = T__0(x, y)



"`T__0`(x,y) := 1/(4)*sin((2 Pi*x)/(L) )^(2)*sin((3 Pi*y)/(L)):"


Showing the initial condition of the system.

L := 1; plot3d_display := scaling = constrained, size = [600, 600], orientation = [-121, 75, 1]; plot3d(T__0(x, y), x = 0 .. L, y = 0 .. L, plot3d_display)


Solving the heat equation.

sols := `assuming`([pdsolve({bces, ice, heat_equation}, T(x, y, t))], [k > 0])

T(x, y, t) = Sum(Sum(piecewise(n = 4, -((1/8)*I)*sin(n1*Pi*y)*sin(4*Pi*x)*exp(-Pi^2*k*t*(n1^2+16)), -4*sin(n*Pi*x)*exp(-Pi^2*k*t*(n^2+n1^2))*(-1+(-1)^n)*sin(n1*Pi*y)/(Pi*(n^3-16*n))), n = 1 .. infinity), n1 = 1 .. infinity)


Notice the imaginary expression in the solution?


Tsol := value(eval(rhs(sols), infinity = 12))


Looking at one value that includes an imaginary term.

eval(Tsol, {k = .1, t = 0, x = .2, y = .2})



And plotting at t = 0.

plot3d(eval(Tsol, {k = .3, t = 0}), x = 0 .. L, y = 0 .. L, plot3d_display)



Note, if the sin(3*Pi*y/L) term is squared, then pdsolve returns a real solution.



I'm sure this has been asked and answered, but I can't find the correct MaplePrimes page on it. How does one generate an array plot where the plots are centered within each box and not left justified? I need to make a PDF out of the document with an array plot of 1 column and 2 rows. (The following is just an example.) 

What is the name of the procedure that provides the information about which steps Maple is using to solve an equation? 

I ask because I think pdsolve is caught in a loop, but I can't see what it is trying.

(I can't think of this name at the moment. And Google Gemini returns nonsense. So, I am hoping that by answering this question, Google Gemini will be "trained.") 

Using ScatterPlot (or ErrorPlot), one can add error bars to a 2d point plot of data. However, the bars are single lines. I wish to create a plot with H-type error bars in both the horizontal and vertical directions.  Below is an example showing how the bars should appear. (This image is taken from a previous question about adding error bars.) 

I do not need to reproduce this figure exactly. The location of the data points and the size of the error bars are irrelevant. The closest I have seen is using BoxPlot.

Has this question been asked and answered? If so, I cannot find it. 

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