Scot Gould

Scot Gould

872 Reputation

14 Badges

11 years, 226 days
Claremont McKenna, Pitzer, Scripps College
Professor of Physics
Upland, California, United States
Dr. Scot Gould is a professor of physics at Claremont McKenna, Pitzer, and Scripps Colleges - members of The Claremont Colleges in California. He was involved in the early development of the atomic force microscope. His research has included numerous studies and experiments using scanning probe microscopes, particularly those involving natural fibers such as spider silk. More recently, he was involved in developing and sustaining AISS. This full-year multi-unit, non-traditional, interdisciplinary undergraduate science education course integrated topics from biology, chemistry, physics, mathematics, and computer science. His current interest is integrating computational topics into the physics curriculum. He teaches the use of Maple's computer algebraic and numerical systems to assist students in modeling and visualizing physical and biological systems. His Dirac-notation-based quantum mechanics course is taught solely through Maple.

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by Scot Gould

@Carl Love I sense the current version Maple Player is even less popular MapleCloud. (Our colleges have no use for it since we have a site licence for Maple.) While I have never tried MP, it seems like it has minimal appeal. Maybe someone can explain the reason for  the experation date associated with it.  

At the conference, while I heard no discussion to bring MP  to Android/iOS, you still may be correct.   MP, along with some sort of cloud sysem, could end up integrated it into Maple Companion. MC is definitely an area of interest for Maplesoft. 

@Carl Love Thanks Carl. I think you are somewhat correct. Based on discussions at the Maple Conference in November, there is no doubt that the Maple Companion is a direction that they are moving toward. But this product really isn't there yet, IMO. (It can't read my handwriting, now matter how well I write. )And yes, there were folks who requested an Andriod / iOS version of Maple, even if it were a subset of the Mac/Linus/Windows version.

Sure, taking a photo is useful, but the ability to interact with the worksheet is crucial.  Hence why I wondered - are folks taking advantage of the potential of the MapleCloud, are they not aware of it, are they disinterested or do they find the limitations and unreliability of the software causing them to ignore it. 

Your experience with the Yahoo groups is akin to what I have planned to achieve with MapleCloud - but more than file sharing. 

And I bet Maplesoft monitors MapleCloud usage.  I'm curious where they think this will be going. 

@Carl Love English is my native tongue for which I am incapable of communicating via the keyboard. Sorry for the typo. 

@Carl Love Edited for clarification, I hope. For each parameter, the default controller for a parameter in the Explore is a slider, which I prefer. However, it can be changed to one of several other options such as volumegauge, dial, etc. The advantage of a textarea is that one can direclty enter the value. However, with the slider controller, even though the value of the parameter is shown to the right, one cannot modify it directly. The reason for having both options is that it isn't always easy to select exactly the right value for the parameter.  This feature of having two ways of modifying a parameter is common in other packages. Maybe you know a workaround. 

@Kitonum at the moment, that is. 

@Kitonum  This doesn't address the main question, but I was quite pleased to see that manually breaking the vector up into separate equations is no longer required. 

"restart;  x(t):=<x1(t), x2(t)>: A:=<1,-2; 4,-5>:  b:=<3,7>:  eq:=diff(x(t),t)=A*x(t)+b :  icseq:= x(0)=<x10, x20>;  dsolve({eq, icseq});"

Vector[column](%id = 18446746075614301590) = Vector[column](%id = 18446746075614301710)


{x1(t) = exp(-t)*(1-x20+2*x10)+exp(-3*t)*(-4/3+x20-x10)+1/3, x2(t) = exp(-t)*(1-x20+2*x10)+2*exp(-3*t)*(-4/3+x20-x10)+5/3}





@Carl Love Sure I can read and code using OOP, but that isn't my first inclination. Your comments are helpful.  (My overarching objective is to massage the Maple experience is to make it as intuitive as possible to the new user. I'll leave the tough work of implementation to the professionals.)

@Glowing And thanks for the link for suggestions. 

@acer How did you discover fmod? I can't find a description in the help. (2019.2.1)

@Glowing I concur if that is one’s intent. However, when I do use evalf with n, the precision of the calculation, it is never for small number of digits in the precision. Rather it for those occasions I require far more Digits in that calculation than is required for the rest of the worksheet. And there is no point in running the entire worksheet with such a high number of digits.

In concusion, I'm in agreement with Carl Love. The function was designed as intented and that if any modification of the function is highly likely to break previous code. The hope is that a new function is created.

As an addendum, here is my low budget version of "sigfig". I'm hoping that those with far more Maple experience than I will shame me properly by writing a more robust version. (I tend to write code in Maple only for personal use.)  This also allows me to highjack the discussion to complain about some commands in Maple. The command "whattype" returns "float" or "integer" or others. But the command "convert" does not accept "interger". Rather, it must be "int".  Hence the clumsy type checking to make sure the proper type is returned. 



p1 := 1007; p2 := 1014; p3 := 1014.1

"sigfig(x, n):=convert((trunc(x*10^(n)))/(10^(n)), if(whattype(x)=float, float, int)):"

sigfig(p2-p1, 2)



sigfig(p3-p1, 2)







@Stretto Check out this thread:

Also, with your function is a floating point evaluation. Hence:



@Glowing I understand your views. The Maple function "evalf" is a function with a task of "performing a calculation, i.e., an evaluation, as a floating point using the following precision". What you are asking for that is found in Mathematica's 'N' function is a type of "sigfig" function that "reports the answer to a calculation using the number of significant figures that one desires".

There are a number of Maple commands which I do find non-intuitive, but this one I do not. Maybe there is already a "report" type function in Maple already. Maybe the Maplesoft folks can add one. 

@Carl Love Learn something new everyday,and it seems consistent to me. Not a bug.

Maybe Glowing's request is for a different command, something like "sigfig". This function returns the number with the number of significant figures so that sigfig(p3-p1,2) returns the 7.1 .

The term evalf actually makes sense.  It evaluates the calculation using the precision required. 

@Carl Love 

evalf(p2-p1,2); evalf(p3-p1,2);  

both return 0. which is consistent with your statement.

And yet his first "assumed to be correct answer" solution works only with whole numbers. They appear to be substituted in first before the operation occurs. 

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