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19 years, 189 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are answers submitted by Scott03

What the error is indicating is that the system that you are trying to create is not a differential equation.  To get this to work, just change the sys call to

sys := DynamicSystems [ AlgEquation]( eq, inputvariable = [s1, s2],outputvariable = [F(t)]);


sys := DynamicSystems [ NewSystem]( eq, inputvariable = [s1, s2],outputvariable = [F(t)])


The second call is a general call that will try to determine which system you are trying to create and call the specific command (like AlgEquation).



Since the histogram command is part of the Statistics package, you will need to change that link to something like




The two ways that you can create the log-log plot is to call the function directly or set the axis to log in the sequence list.  So the following code should work.

a := sum(m^i*exp(-m)/factorial(i), i = 0 .. c):
l := []:
for c from 0 to 40 do
l := [op(l), a]:
end do:
plotlist := [seq(loglogplot(l[n], m = 0 .. 40), n = 1 .. nops(l))]:

This will produce a plot where all the curves are red and should look like this

If you want the plot to have different colours for each curve, you can skip the seq call and pass the functions directly to loglogplot and get the following

loglogplot(l, m = 0 .. 40);


Does this help?



I believe that the suggestion that pagan suggested is likely the most efficient, but if you just want to use your list of lists and use map then the following should work.

for i to 3 do
  b || i := map((x) -> [x[4], x[6]], a || i)
end do;

This should allow you to go through each of the 'a' lists and take the 4th and 6th position.

If you wanted to have the 'a' values as Matrices you could simplify this as the following

a1 := Matrix([[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7], [9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3], [4, 5, 4, 5, 4, 5, 4]]):
a2 := Matrix([[2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8], [8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2], [3, 4, 3, 4, 3, 4, 3]]):
a3 := Matrix([[3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9], [7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1], [2, 3, 2, 3, 2, 3, 2]]):

seq(assign(b || i, a || i( .. , [4, 6])), i = 1 .. 3):

I hope this helps.


You should be able to use the + sign between the two Matrices to do this.  Alternatively you can use the LinearAlgebra:-Add function.  This should be available in Maple 12, 13 and the current 14.


Is this what you want?

> sort(a, (x, y) ->`if`(x[1] = y[1], evalb(x[2] < y[2]), evalb(x[1] < y[1])));



Could you let us know what you tried to execute to do this and what errors did you get?

Are you looking for something like the following:

eq1:=v*t = S0-S[t]+Km*ln(S0/S[t]);
eq2:=isolate(eq1, S[t]);
seq(eval(rhs(eq2), t = t), t = 1 .. 5);


If I understand your question correctly, there is no such component or option that allows you to place a rigid body frame and have MapleSim calculate what the length would have to be to fit between the two points.

One option in this case is to put a Relative Translation sensor across the gap and similate for 0.1 sec.  Then read off the value (using Maple's new probes that follow the curve) and you should be able to determine what the length of the beam should be.  I got a number like [-0.530153696, 0.342020143,-1.813797681].  You will need to add a Rigid body on one of the sides of the Rigid Body Frame.


Try using the ImportData() command that will launch the Import Data Assistant.  This should help you load in the data provided it is one of the supported file types (Excel, Matlab, Image, Audio, Matrix Market, and Delimited).  Once you have loaded the data into Maple you should be able to use either the Curve Fitting assistant or the commands to get the equation of the curve.


You aren't able to undock the 3-D visualization window in MapleSim 4.

What OS are you running MapleSim on that you are getting this problem that the visualization window is not being updated?  Is it always happening or is it only under certain conditions?



If you have typed everything in the 1-D math input you should be able to convert the execution group into 2-D by right clicking on the input and select Convert To > 2-D Math Input.  Alternatively you can also have your cursor on the section and choose Format > Convert To > 2-D Math Input.



It may be best to contact Maplesoft Technical support with this.


To do for the construction mode diagram (the third picture you uploaded) to look better, you will need to reduce the base radius.  This controls the radius used to visualize the rigid body as well as the revolute joint.  To get to the base radius settings you can either click the button to the left of the gear icon (this icon looks like some volume dials with a 3D background) or go to View > 3-D Settings.  No the parameter pane on the right side will have the 3-D settings that you can change.  Change the base radius to something like 0.001.  You will need to zoom in to see your pendulum after you have made this change.


In Maple 12 you should be able to use the orientation option to rotate the plot.  It doesn't provide all the options that the viewpoint option has but it should allow you to provide a animation of your curve moving.  For example you can do something like the following:

plots:-animate(plot3d, [sin(x/y), x = -10 .. 10, y = -10 .. 10, orientation = [A, 10]], A = 0 .. 100);



Have you tried contacting Maplesoft Technical Support?  This sounds like either there is something wrong with one of the settings, there is a problem with OS permissions or possibly something wrong with the installer.  It will be a lot easier to deal with the support question either over the phone or email compared to over Mapleprimes.


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