
784 Reputation

10 Badges

19 years, 194 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are answers submitted by Scott03

You are using the map correctly, but why are you doing all those map calls?  You should be able to go straight from a to d by doing the following:


e := [seq(plots:-pointplot(i[1 .. 2], symbolsize = floor(10*i[3])), i in a)];




This is a bug/limitation that existed in Maple 10 and Maple 11.  From some experimentation it appears to be fixed in Maple 12 and all versions since then.  For Maple 10 you should be able to user Unit('meter') to get around this.


As you have noted to figure out which of the strings has a digit, you will need to use the map command like the following:


To identify what digits are present in each string you can use the map2 command with StringTools:-Select like the following

map2(Select, HasDigit, a);

The map2 command is used because the third argument is the list (the third argument of map2 will be the second argument to the command in the first argument of map2) and the StringTools:-Select command is expecting a string and not a list of strings as its second argument.  I use to find the map commands quite confusing but they are quite powerful once you get used to them.  I would check out the help page for map.

If this isn't what you are looking for, could you let us know what you are trying to get back from a command operating on your list.



You have to watch out for the number of times add will add the numbers.  It will take the very first location (here x=0) then at every integer value between and including the end point of your interval.  So both ends of the interval will be included in the sumation if they are integers.

*edit: I had at first thought that if you wanted to remove the beginning of the sumation that you only needed to change the range to x=0.01..7, but I was incorrect.  To see what is going on try the following




Both are different techniques.  As an example, take the first part of the equation you are using


This simplifies down to 0.5 with your numbers.  So when you add 0.5 from n=1 to 7, then maple will be adding 0.5 seven times (n=1,2,3,...,7).  As for the integration, this is usually viewed as area under the curve, so in this case you are finding the area of a rectangle with the width 0.5 and length 6.  Therefore the sumation will produce 3.5 and integration 3.0.  This is likely why you are getting different results



This error seems to come back due to Maple simplifying what you typed in (which produces the answer of your integral) to the ShowSolutions problem.  As a result the function is no longer the integration question you are looking for.  To stop Maple from simplifying your question to the answer before getting the steps, use the inert function (Int, Diff and Limit instead of function int, diff, and limit).  So for your example enter the following:


Then right click Solve> Show Solution Step, then you will get your solution steps.



It could be that there is a problem with you input.  Could you provide an example where you are getting this sort of error?


Have you contact Maplesoft Technical Support concerning this issue?


Try removing the FAIL from the list.  You could do this with something like the following

> min(remove(`=`, [S1,S2], FAIL));



Try the following:

ODE := diff(diff(x(t), t), t)+.2*(diff(x(t), t))-x(t) = sin(t):
ics := x(0) = .5, (D(x))(0) = 5:
X1 := dsolve({ODE, ics}):
solve(rhs(X1) = 1, t) assuming t > 0;

This doesn't use the min command but it does provide you with an answer.  the rhs(...) command takes the right side of the equal sign so that you can set x(t) to 1.


Could you provide the commands you are executing to produce this error?

As for the words Table, Plot, Drawing and Spreadsheets, these become available when you have clicked on those objects since these menus contain options specific to those objects.  For example, if you open a new worksheet, type in and execute the following call


Then click on the resulting plot you will find that the Plot menu will become ungrayed.



What tutor are you trying to use and what are the functions that you would like to plot?

If you are wanting to plot a function, you may be wanting to use the plot builder (one of the assistants available from either the right click menu or from Tools > Assistants).



Could you let us know what it is you are trying to model with MapleSim.


How about this.

Fit(.5*A*E^2+B*E^beta/(Emax-E)^alpha, Ein, UEin, E);
                                                2   125.568618355433400 E                  
       -120.476899640646 E  + ----------------------------------------
                                                                     (1.52 - E)                        

From this answer you should be able to find out what the values of alpha, beta, A and B that are being used.

Application Developer

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