
784 Reputation

10 Badges

19 years, 185 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are answers submitted by Scott03

I wrote the following in Maple 10 but it should work in Maple 9.5 also: >restart; >ap:=``: count:=2: tprime:=1: ap[1]:=1: >while tprime<100 do tprime:=nextprime(tprime): ap[count]:=tprime: count:=count+1: end do: >print(ap); this should have 'ap' being a table of all 25 prime numbers between 100. Scott Maplesoft Technical Support
I am not sure the amount of the teachers edition, you should really call Maplesoft at 1-800-267-6583 (if you are in US and Canada) and talk to one of the Sales Reps. As for what you get, you will get a full copy of Maple. The program isn't different no matter what edition you choose. Scott Maple Technical Support
I wasnt able to find a built in function that will exactly do what you are looking for but you could try something like the following. If you had a Matrix A that is 50 by 60 you could use rtable_scanblock(A, [1 .. N, 1 .. N], proc (val, ind, res) options operator, arrow; `if`(res[2] < val, [ind, val], res) end proc, [[1, 1], A[1, 1]], proc (val, ind, res) options operator, arrow; `if`(val < res[2], [ind, val], res) end proc, [[1, 1], A[1, 1]]); This will return the location of both the Minimum and Maximum values. From this output it should only need one more if statement to figure if abs(%[1][2])> abs(%[2][2]) Scott Maplesoft Technical Support
I am sorry but I can't comment on if the Minimize function is equivalent to the Matlab's fminsearch, I am sure there is someone more qualified in Matlab to answer this one. But if Minimize isn't equivalent, you could still use Maple and use the Matlab link (if you have Matlab on this computer) and use your worksheet in Maple and use evalM from the Matlab package within Maple to call Matlab and get the response back so you can use Maple for the rest of your worksheet. Scott Maplesoft Technical Support
Maple doesn't currently have the option to be able to export plots as dvi or pdf, but it does have the option for ps (encapsulated postscript). You can export a plot if you right click on the plot and select Export > Encapsulated Postscript. Another option is to have is to add the following line before the plot command: plotsetup(ps,plotoutput="C:\"); plot(x^2,x-2..3); In the above the postscipt picture is stored to C: and saved as Scott Maplesoft Technical Support
Another option to create this animation is to use the insequence=true from the display command. You can either create a list or set of plot commands and pass it to display or you can use a seq(...) command to create the different plot commands. Scott Maplesoft
Here is an example with 10 rows. If you would like it to go further, increase the upperbound for the for loop. > > > This post generated using the online HTML conversion tool Download the original worksheet
Here is an example from the LSSolve help page: > > > > > > > This post generated using the online HTML conversion tool Download the original worksheet
The &xor and the xor is the exlusive or operator and the ∨ is the logically inclusive "or" operator. You can find this information on the boolean help page. or -------| true |false | FAIL -------| ----- | -----| ----- true- | true | true | true false | true | false| FAIL FAIL- | true | FAIL | FAIL xor -------| true | false | FAIL -------| ----- | ----- |----- true_ | false | true | FAIL false | true | false | FAIL FAIL_ | FAIL | FAIL | FAIL
Here is an example of a Maple worksheet showing auto- and cross-correlation: >restart; >assume(t::real): >x := t -> piecewise(0 < t and t <= 2, t/2); >y := t -> piecewise(0 < t and t < 3, 1, 3 <= t and t < 5, -1, t <= 5 and t < 6, 1, t <= 6 and t < 7, -1): >plot({x(t), y(t)}, t = 0 .. 8); > Cross Correlation >ϕxy := t -> int(x(t + tau) y(tau), tau = -infinity .. infinity): >simplify(ϕxy(t), assume = real); > AutoCorrelation >ϕxx := t -> int(x(t + tau) x(tau), tau = -infinity .. infinity): >simplify(ϕxx(t), assume = real);
I believe that this message is coming from the part that rightbox is from the student package and doesn't seem to be imported to the Student package. You can call it usig the following code: student[rightbox](sin(x), x = 0 .. Pi, 20); Also, you could use the ApproximateInt method from the Student[Calculus1] package to get the plot you would get from the above command. Student[Calculus1][ApproximateInt](sin(x), x = 0 .. Pi, partition = 20, output = plot, method = right);
Hi, I am sure that other Maple users might suggest other methods to make this faster but you might want to try the following: restart; with(ArrayTools): x := Array([1, 2, 3]): y := Array([1, 2, 3]): zxy := NULL; for i to 3 do for j to 3 do zxy := Concatenate(1, zxy, (Vector[row])([x[i]+y[j], x[i], y[j]])): end do: end do: zxy; with(plots): pointplot3d([seq([zxy[l, 1], zxy[l, 2], zxy[l, 3]], l = 1 .. 9)], color = red, axes = normal); I believe this will run better and will give you an zxy that has the three rows for z,x,y in that order. S
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