
70 Reputation

One Badge

1 years, 167 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by Susana30

Good morning, I'm trying to evaluate this equation when x = 10 degrees so that it gives me a value something like this -0.1671897 etc. but I can't find a way to do it. I've tried to do it like this:

evalf(eq, tand(10));

evalf(eq, tan(10*Unit(degree) ;

But it gives me an error. In other words, how do I evaluate the equation at 10 degrees.


Good morning, please help me with 2 questions I have:

1) Maple gives me the result in radians and I want it in degrees, example:

evalf(17*sin(34)/sin(115)) = 9.513506993

The result in degrees should be 10.48901874

2) How do I transform degrees into degrees, minutes and seconds?

Example: 15.925º

= 15º 55' 30''

Good evening, I am trying to factor the equation 9*csc^2*theta + 9 in Maple and Maple does not do it or I do not know what command I should use because with factor it does not do it.

Please could you tell me how to do it?


Good afternoon, please I have the following question to see if someone can help me.

I am calculating an integral with a root and when Maple gives me the result it does so in power. I want the result to be given in square root, both this integral and others that I am going to solve.

Good afternoon, please how to factor the following polynomial so that it gives me the following result:

x^10/36 - 4/25*y^24*z^8 = (x^5/6 - 2/5*y^12*z^4)*(x^5/6 + 2/5*y^12*z^4)

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