Thomas Richard

Mr. Thomas Richard

3491 Reputation

13 Badges

14 years, 134 days
Maplesoft Europe GmbH
Technical professional in industry or government
Aachen, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

MaplePrimes Activity

These are answers submitted by Thomas Richard

No, that number cannot be changed. The list is hard-coded, as you can see in the GUI settings (e.g. AppData\Roaming\Maple\<version>\Maple.ini in your home directory on Windows): FileMRU1 ... FileMRU10

... like this:

ode:=b%*(x+x^2)*diff(y(x),x$2)+x%*(2*a - 1)*diff(y(x),x)+c*y(x)=0;

If you want to expand later on, simply call value(L).


BTW: I would not use the same variable for different representations - because it would confuse me...

It's probably best to contact with some details of your system (hardware and software specs). Also attach your install log file for diagnostics.

A graphics driver update may be needed, as recommended in our FAQs.

The AMD processor as such is not a problem.

Writing to a file is somewhat "hidden" in the documentation (see ?CodeGeneration,General,CodeGenerationOptions or ?CodeGenerationOptions): use the output=string option where string is the filename:

mymapleproc := proc(...) end proc;
CodeGeneration:-C(mymapleproc, output="C:/Temp/mycproc.c");

This holds for all 12 target languages of CodeGeneration, not just C.

SetAttachment (which you found already in the MapleSim:-LinkModel API) should still work as usual.

If you are talking about the Global Optimization Toolbox, instructions can be found here in the Documentation Center.

Don't be mislead by the version number; the installation method has not changed in years. And e.g. GOT 2022 needs Maple 2022.

I don't know exactly what's going on here, but it seems that the inner integration result of -cos(theta)^2/4 is too simplistic.

If you insert

f := combine(f);

before integrating, then you get a piecewise expression, and the numerical integration results match.

If you insert

simplify(Maple, 'wronskian')

after the integration, you see that the non-Bessel expression is off by a factor of 1/2.

BTW: Thanks for bringing this problem to our attention. I have created an internal bug report. You can also submit reports via MaplePrimes directly; see the "More > Submit Software Change Request" menu.

Maple 12 appeared in 2008, and SGX was introduced by Intel in 2015. So that answers your first question.

Even in more current Maple versions, it has never been supported - and it will never be, because it has been marked as deprecated, and is no longer available in Intel's latest Core-i processors (see e.g. Wikipedia).

Out of curiosity, what would you need such a feature for - in context of Maple?

Have you tried supplying the fill=0 option?

Additionally, see the hints on csv[standard] versus csv[Microsoft] and try both (if the file was saved by Excel e.g.).

Does this work for you?

DD := <<6, 0> | <0, -1>>:

You could also use elementwise exponentiation:


Please upload worksheets (mw files), not static PDF documents (unless there is a technical reason for it).

The stats package is deprecated and should no longer be used for new projects. Drop the with line, and replace the statevalf line by

mu := t -> PDF(RandomVariable(Normal(1,2*4.47)),t):

(Later in the worksheet, you almost got it right already!)

Finally, for a tutorial-like intro, please see ?MaplePortal,DynamicSystems (it may also be linked from somewhere in the "Help > Maple Portal" files).

The CodeGeneration package will translate some LinearAlgebra routines (see the HilbertMatrix example at ?CodeGeneration,Python), but not GraphTheory.

So I'm afraid you will have to do the translation more or less manually.

First of all, rule-based typesetting is only available in extended level.

Next, you can force the factor of 1/2 to be kept as is, but it will be wrapped in parentheses (I don't think you can get rid of these).

So here's my suggestion:


In order to obtain a fraction, you may call expand(%) afterwards.

Note that interface(compactdisplay) is about displaying procedures, and has nothing to do with formulae.

Following the conventions of the DynamicSystems package, u1(t) is your input, so you need to tell dsolve to solve for the others (x1(t), x2(t), x3(t) are states, and y1(t) is the output):

sys := [diff(x1(t), t) = x2(t), diff(x2(t), t) = -x3(t)/3, diff(x3(t), t) = 6*x2(t) - 3*x3(t) - 3*u1(t), y1(t) = -6*x1(t) + x2(t)]:
fcns := [x1(t),x2(t),x3(t),y1(t)]:
sol := dsolve(sys,fcns);
odetest(sol,sys); # optional check

So you have 4 equations and 4 unknown functions. Integration constants _C1, _C2, _C3, _C4 will be determined when you supply initial conditions for fcns. The integrals in those solutions can be computed once u1(t) is specified.

You could also swap the roles of u1(t) and y1(t), of course.

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