Tom 4

744 Reputation

9 Badges

20 years, 77 days

My title is Chief Evangelist for Maplesoft. I interpret that as “the guy who’s been around forever”. I started my professional Maplesoft career in 1989 as a contractor trying to earn money to feed my grad student habits, like eating and visiting my parents. Before that I was introduced to what was then referred to as the Maple programming language and to my surprise, Maple immediately helped me figure things out in my courses and more importantly it made me look smarter in front of potential grad supervisors. That’s how the love affair began.

Since then I’ve held various senior positions including Vice President of Marketing and Market Development. I’ve witnessed the transformation of this company from a start-up doing something strange called “computer algebra” to a well-recognized, leading solutions company with a growing and ever diversifying user community. I’m even more thrilled at the fact that so much of our new achievements are in the world of engineering modeling and simulation which was my specialization in University.

I did my degrees at the University of Waterloo. My Bachelor and Master’s degrees were in Systems Design Engineering and my PhD in Mechanical Engineering with a specialization in surface modeling for CAD systems. Along the way, I dabbled in control systems, physical systems modeling, and computer-assisted education. I still stay connected to the academic world through my position as Adjunct Professor in Systems Design Engineering, University of Waterloo, and as a member of the Board of Governors, Renison College affiliated with the University of Waterloo.

I was born in Seoul South Korea but raised in Toronto, Canada. I moved to Waterloo, Canada to attend university and never left. I tell the Maplesoft people that it’s because of the company but it’s because I met my wonderful wife Dr. Sharon here :-)

MaplePrimes Activity

These are Posts that have been published by Tom 4

This forum is where you can suggest improvements for Maplesoft products. It will be monitored by Maplesoft staff who will record your input and in many cases, post appropriate responses. Please keep in mind that Maple is used be a wide variety of users with different needs. All comments will be read, taken seriously, and considered when making product decisions. This forum is moderated by Tom 4.
Welcome to MaplePrimes -- a new Web community for Maple users and enthusiasts. This site is designed to offer a dynamic, moderated environment for you to get answers, get new tools, and share your work with the world.
We're now getting into the final points. One thing that I envisioned for this site is some way for individuals to showcase themselves and if they wanted to share certain identifying and possibly fun information. Currently that section looks extremely corporate and wreaks of someone wanting spam targets.

My suggestions are,

1) remove telephone numbers all together
2) keep addresses as knowing what country, city, organization etc.
3) My job is, (choose one only):
- technical professional in industry or government
- professor or university staff
- graduate student
- undergraduat student
One of the more interesting application areas of Maple is in the area of cryptography. A symbolic system's algebraic and integer facilities are great tools in exploring or developing ciphers. Today, I was chatting with a colleague of mine on the topic of ancient computers and at one point, I had expressed my desire to find a replica Enigma machine ... I was promptly introduced to ... Paper Enigma Machine

There has been active threads on easy ways to post Maple or math specific content - e.g. code snippets, good looking math, plots etc. This Web site will definitely be less effective if people are forced into cumbersome processes to put what most of us would consider to be "fundamental" information into their postings.

Theory has it that Maple is good at producing HTML code. For the original application that it was intended - i.e. creating self-contained Web pages, it works pretty well. Can this theory be extended to cover our MaplePrimes beta application. How easy is it to use Maple as the authoring environment to express some math and to do a plot and general HTML code that is useful for MaplePrimes? 

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