
80 Reputation

4 Badges

2 years, 131 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by WA573

How to verify eq by using (2), (3) and (4)? Since lambda's, A's, B's and a are constant, but they appear as variables i.e., D[2](A1)..., (D[2] -> d/dt (derivative w.r.t 't')). Also q(n+1,t)- q(n,t) = a (const). Therefore, d/dt(q(n+1),t) - d/dt,(q(n,t))=0


Why does no substitution work on functions with s(n+1,t) (see eqns (2-8))? Also (∂)/(∂ (sigma2*t))=1/(sigma2)(∂)/(∂ t), how can I do it on Maple?shift.mw

Are the results consistent either we use simplify(expression) or simplify(expression,size)? It seems (2) and (3) are not consistent.


with(PDEtools); with(LinearAlgebra)

b := -(2*I)*exp(2*t*Im(lambda1))*(exp(I*a*x/conjugate(lambda1))*exp((2*I)*a*x/lambda1)*exp((-I*a*x)*(1/conjugate(lambda1)))*exp(I*conjugate(lambda1)*t)+exp(I*lambda1*t)*exp(I*a*x/lambda1)*exp((-I*a*x)*(1/lambda1))*exp((2*I)*a*x/conjugate(lambda1))*(abs(`ε1`)^2+abs(`ε2`)^2))*conjugate(`ε1`)*Im(lambda1)/(exp((2*I)*a*x/lambda1)*abs(`ε1`)^2*exp(-(2*I)*a*x/conjugate(lambda1))*exp(2*t*Im(lambda1))+exp(-(2*I)*a*x/lambda1)*abs(`ε1`)^2*exp((2*I)*a*x/conjugate(lambda1))*exp(2*t*Im(lambda1))+exp(I*a*x/lambda1)*exp((-I*a*x)*(1/lambda1))*exp(I*a*x/conjugate(lambda1))*exp((-I*a*x)*(1/conjugate(lambda1)))*(abs(`ε2`)^4+2*abs(`ε1`)^2*abs(`ε2`)^2+abs(`ε1`)^4+2*abs(`ε2`)^2*exp(2*t*Im(lambda1))+exp(4*t*Im(lambda1))))



bdif := simplify(diff(b, x)); bdifxzero := simplify(subs({x = 0}, bdif))





bdif1 := simplify(diff(b, x), size); bdif1xzero := simplify(subs({x = 0}, bdif1), size)






Download simplisize.mw

I am trying to find the value of y4 at t=infinity and t=-infinity when lambda1>lambda2 or lambda1<lambda2. But every time I got the same answer. For example, if we do it by hand then the terms which are responsible for making the indeterminate form can be extracted and canceled (see Fig.). 

But in limit.mw y4 is too lengthy-expression and very difficult to do it manually.

How to handle these errors in plotting the solutions?compare.mw

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