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20 years, 104 days
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada

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Will Spaetzel is a Software Architect in the Maple T.A. Team at Maplesoft.

He started at Maplesoft in May of 2004 for a 16 month internship while completing his Bachelor of Computer Science from the University of Western Ontario. During his final year at UWO, he continued on as moderator for MaplePrimes. He joined Maplesoft full-time in May 2006 and moved to the web team in Jan 2007. In December of 2010, Will moved to the Maple T.A. team. 

Will was born and grew up in Ontario, Canada. He maintains a personal blog, dabbles in photography builds web applications in his spare time.

MaplePrimes Activity

These are answers submitted by Will

Your question most likely has an HTML comment in it such as <!-- --->

Remove the comment by clicking on the "Source" button in the quesiton editor and removing them from there. You will need to force grade the assignment that is giving you the problem.


William Spaetzel
Maple T.A. Architect, Maplesoft 

It looks like Banner supports LTI https://www.imsglobal.org/compliance/banner-integration-elearning-v813

Maple T.A. 2016 also supports LTI, so you should be able to integrate the two with our LTI connections. You can find documeation on the Maple T.A. LTI feature here: https://www.maplesoft.com/support/help/MapleTA2016/MapleTASystemAdministrator/ch03s07.aspx


William Spaetzel
Maple T.A. Architect, Maplesoft 


For your first two variables, it looks like you want them to stay as strings and not have Maple evaluate them. In this case, you don't need to wrap them in "maple()"


For the StringTools call, the square bracket notation for packages (StringsTools[Search]) does not work in Maple T.A. algorithms. Instead use StringTools:-Search


Here is the full algorithm that does work.


You should use the :- Syntax for your grading code as well.




William Spaetzel
Maple T.A. Architect, Maplesoft 

We are no longer maintaining the online LaTeX to Maple T.A. converter. It is no longer referenced in the latest Maple T.A. documentation (Maple T.A. 10). 

Since Maple T.A. 9.5 we've had built-in suport for rendering LaTeX math expressions so authoring questions directly in Maple T.A. is easier and our recommended route. 


William Spaetzel
Maple T.A. Developer, Maplesoft 

This is possible with the use of Maple T.A.'s "if" function. 

here is the algorithm:

$answers=if($rounded*2-$n3, "2,6", "0,4,8");

I created a Maple-graded question with that algorithm and the "correct answer" set to "$answers"

Then I set the "grading code" to 

member($RESPONSE, {$ANSWER});

This checks to see if the student's response is contained in the list of possible answers.


Here is the full question you can import into your instance:



The latest Java changed the security needed in order for Maple T.A. to talk to the equation editor. A hotfix is available for both Maple T.A. 8 and Maple T.A. 9.5 that fixes this issue. Please contact support@maplesoft.com to get help installing this hotfix on your server.


William Spaetzel
Maple T.A. Developer, Maplesoft 

Maple T.A. 9+ renders MathML using MathJax, a third party library that adds MathML support to all browsers. There are no problems rendering MathML using the latest version of Chrome. Your students can use whichever browser they prefer.


William Spaetzel
Maple T.A. Developer, Maplesoft 

Not sure how you got Maplesoft.com set to the French mode.

You can switch back by clicking this link: http://www.maplesoft.com/index.aspx?L=E



William Spaetzel
Maple T.A. Developer, Maplesoft 

I suggest you contact Maplesoft customer service here, they will be able to generate a new download link for you.


William Spaetzel
Maple T.A. Developer, Maplesoft 

Question Groups and Subjects should always be displayed in alphebetical order. I just tested and verified that they are listing in alphebetical order. Can you give us an example of the order you are seeing?

Subjects are meant to be more generic categorization of questions, mostly intended for the Maple T.A. Cloud, so that multiple instructors can add their questions to the same subject. 

Also, any subjects you create are shared across your whole instance (just the subjects, not the questions) so other instructors can make use of your categorization. And if they choose to share their questions with either the Maple T.A. Cloud or your entire instance, you will see them in that subject.


William Spaetzel
Maple T.A. Developer, Maplesoft 

I did some Googling, and I found this page: 


I suggest going to the room sepcified on that page, or contacting your school's IT department for help.




There is no direct import of Moodle questions into Maple T.A.. You will need to re-author the questions directly inside of Maple T.A.. 


William Spaetzel
Maple T.A. Developer, Maplesoft 

You can move content from Maple T.A. 2.51 to Maple T.A. 8 by exporting a course module from the older version and then importing it to the newer version.

Since there are so many versions in between, there isn't a direct way to convert all of the data, to move all data, you will need to upgrade to Maple T.A. 4 then 5 and finally Maple T.A. 8.


William Spaetzel
Maple T.A. Developer, Maplesoft 

Beneath the post, there is an "Unsubscribe" button that you can click to unsubscribe: 


You can also individually edit your subscriptions on this page: http://www.mapleprimes.com/account/subscriptions


William Spaetzel
Maple T.A. Developer, Maplesoft 

I'm assuming that you are creating questions asking the student to choose the best HTML/XML markup?

You will need to encode the HTML if you don't want Maple T.A. to render it as HTML. There are many tools for encoding HTML available, here is one: http://www.opinionatedgeek.com/DotNet/Tools/HTMLEncode/encode.aspx


William Spaetzel
Maple T.A. Developer, Maplesoft 

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