
1781 Reputation

16 Badges

20 years, 107 days
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada

Social Networks and Content at Maplesoft.com

Will Spaetzel is a Software Architect in the Maple T.A. Team at Maplesoft.

He started at Maplesoft in May of 2004 for a 16 month internship while completing his Bachelor of Computer Science from the University of Western Ontario. During his final year at UWO, he continued on as moderator for MaplePrimes. He joined Maplesoft full-time in May 2006 and moved to the web team in Jan 2007. In December of 2010, Will moved to the Maple T.A. team. 

Will was born and grew up in Ontario, Canada. He maintains a personal blog, dabbles in photography builds web applications in his spare time.

MaplePrimes Activity

These are answers submitted by Will

You need to have JavaScript enabled for this feature (or most of MaplePrimes) to work. 

Also, don't try to open the link in a new window, just click the "Subscribe" link. 


William Spaetzel
Maple T.A. Developer, Maplesoft 

That knot actually comes from this application in the app center


William Spaetzel
Maple T.A. Developer, Maplesoft 

There isn't an option to turn it on. The student's name and student number is always visible at the top-right of the screen. 

Are you accessing Maple T.A. directly or through Blackboard? If you are using Blackboard, this information will not appear. 


William Spaetzel
Maple T.A. Developer, Maplesoft 

It is not possible to carry algorithmic variables from one question to another. We suggest using the Question Designer type.

Also, if the reason you want to do this is to display the student's name/id on each question, we suggest you upgrade to Maple T.A.. In the latest version, we have added a feature that always displays the student's name and the student number at the top of each page in a large font so it is easy for instuctors to see this from a distance. 

Also, T.A. 8 adds the Adaptive Question type that might help with your problem.


William Spaetzel
Maple T.A. Developer, Maplesoft 

The new applications section is manually populated by the Application Center editors to highlight the most interesting, recent content in the Application Center.


William Spaetzel
MaplePrimes Administrator
Software Developer, Maplesoft 

Take a look at the  ?HTTP package, new in Maple 15. It makes it easy to grab information from web pages.

If you have an earlier version of Maple, the  ?Sockets package can help as well, but it will take more steps.


William Spaetzel
MaplePrimes Administrator
Software Developer, Maplesoft 

The Maple questioner badge is granted for asking a question that has Maple set as one of the Products for the quesiton.

To get the badge, please ask a new question and check the "Maple" box under "Product(s):"


William Spaetzel
MaplePrimes Administrator
Software Developer, Maplesoft 

Since shortly after the launch of the new MaplePrimes, all replies are loaded using a JavaScript include. This means that the contents of the comments & answers aren't in the HTML that you save, but are loaded afterwards using JavaScript.

This is done to speed up loading pages with many replies. 

This doesn't affect anything you saved before the new Primes was launched. If you wish to save the full structure of posts, I suggest printing to PDF as suggested in other threads. 


William Spaetzel
MaplePrimes Administrator
Software Developer, Maplesoft 

I suggest you contact Maplesoft Technical Support, they'll be able to help you.


William Spaetzel
MaplePrimes Administrator
Software Developer, Maplesoft 

Maple 14 actually already supports running some LinearAlgebra routines on Nvida GPUs via the  ?CUDA package.


William Spaetzel
MaplePrimes Administrator
Software Developer, Maplesoft 

MaplePrimes should accept any filename that you use for files you upload. However, MaplePrimes does modify some filenames in order to ensure that all users will be able to download the files.

There are two modifications that MaplePrimes makes: spaces in the filename are replaced with underscores; and file names longer than 64 characters are truncated to 55 characters.


William Spaetzel
MaplePrimes Administrator
Software Developer, Maplesoft 

Where are you trying to e-mail Maplesoft support? It's possible you are using an incorrect e-mail address.

The best ways to contact Maplesoft support are listed here: http://www.maplesoft.com/support


William Spaetzel
MaplePrimes Administrator
Software Developer, Maplesoft 

There is currently a problem with rating on the application center. This will be fixed in a couple of days.


William Spaetzel
MaplePrimes Administrator
Software Developer, Maplesoft 

I doubt that it's possible for a Maplet to load up a remotely served JAR file. It seems to me that this would be a huge security loophole in Java, so I doubt it's allowed.

My suggestion would be for you to do all of your MySQL access in a webservice on your own server. Then just have the Maplet access the results of the webservice instead of going into the database directly. 

You usually don't want to allow users to directly access your database anyhow, since you would have to include the MySQL login credentials in your Maplet. It would be possible for someone to figure out the username/password by packet sniffing and then they would be able to execute arbitrary commands on your database. By creating a webservice and having all interaction go through the service, you are greatly increasing the security of your database.



William Spaetzel
MaplePrimes Administrator
Software Developer, Maplesoft 

Sounds like there may be problem with your Maple installation, please contact Maplesoft support.


William Spaetzel
MaplePrimes Administrator
Software Developer, Maplesoft 

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