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20 years, 129 days
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada

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Will Spaetzel is a Software Architect in the Maple T.A. Team at Maplesoft.

He started at Maplesoft in May of 2004 for a 16 month internship while completing his Bachelor of Computer Science from the University of Western Ontario. During his final year at UWO, he continued on as moderator for MaplePrimes. He joined Maplesoft full-time in May 2006 and moved to the web team in Jan 2007. In December of 2010, Will moved to the Maple T.A. team. 

Will was born and grew up in Ontario, Canada. He maintains a personal blog, dabbles in photography builds web applications in his spare time.

MaplePrimes Activity

These are answers submitted by Will

The best way to do what you want is just to use Maple's default inline output. You shouldn't need to open and close document blocks.

The answer to Maple Equation is Maple Equation

Now if I go back and change the 3 to a 4 and re-execute

Maple EquationThe answer to Maple Equation is Maple EquationMaple Equation

I just edited the numbers and pressed the !!! button in the toolbar, I didn't open the document blocks.

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View 1_inlineBlocks.mw on MapleNet or Download 1_inlineBlocks.mw
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William Spaetzel
Marketing Engineer, Maplesoft

This is what I get when I run your commands:

Maple Equation

> restart;

> with(plots):

> Omega[0,1]:=.825352549049169:


> plot3d(MathieuCE(0,Omega[0,1],r*I)*MathieuCE(0,Omega[0,1],theta),theta=0..2*Pi,r=0..1,coords=ellcylindrical,axes=FRAMED);


> points1:={seq(seq([T/100,2*Pi*S/100,MathieuCE(0,Omega[0,1],2*Pi*S/100)*MathieuCE(0,Omega[0,1],I*T/100)],T=1..100), S=1..100)}:


> pointplot3d(points1,coords=ellcylindrical, axes=FRAMED, color=red, style=wireframe);


Maple Plot

Maple Plot


Maple Equation

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View 1_accuracy.mw on MapleNet or Download 1_accuracy.mw
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What is the problem with the plots?

William Spaetzel
Marketing Engineer, Maplesoft

It looks like your problem is that you didn't put brackets around the negative sign in the power.

Adding brackets solves the problem

> -1.60*10^(-19);

Maple Equation


Or you could enter the expression in 2-D,

Maple Equation

Maple Equation

Maple Equation

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View 1_powerBrackets.mw on MapleNet or Download 1_powerBrackets.mw
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William Spaetzel
Marketing Engineer, Maplesoft

Here is the files that das_1404 refers to, Download 100_Spiderflygrid2.mws
View file details Download 100_Spiderflygrid2_works.mws
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William Spaetzel
Marketing Engineer, Maplesoft

I wonder if the select function might do what you want?

> ?select

Here is an example

Create a big dataset

> a:=convert( LinearAlgebra:-RandomVector[column](1000), list ):

Create a procedure that will check if the value is in the correct range. We'll look for values between 0 and 10 inclusive

> inRange := proc( x )
if( x >=0 and x <= 10 ) then
return true;
return false;
end if:
end proc:

Now let's use select to only get the matching values

> b:=select(inRange, a);

Maple Equation

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William Spaetzel
Marketing Engineer, Maplesoft

Look at the bottom of this post to see the changes that I made

The procedure MatrixOperator applies the function f to the square Matrix A.

Maple Equation

Maple Equation

Maple Equation

Let's see how it works. We create a random matrix G.

Maple Equation

Maple Equation

Maple Equation

> Maple Equation

Maple Equation

Maple Equation

I assigned your Matrices to variables:

> Maple Equation

Then to output the values I used the CTRL+= keystoke. Hold down CTRL and press =

I entered the following line this way:
ZZ CTRL+= F5 and F5 ZZ2 CTRL+=

Maple Equation = Maple Equation and Maple Equation = Maple Equation Maple Equation

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Download the original worksheet | View worksheet on MapleNet

William Spaetzel
Marketing Engineer, Maplesoft

For all of your posts, it would be a lot easier for people to help you if you copied the code that links to the files that you have uploaded. You can get this code from the bottom of the file details page, or on the right hand side of the file manager. Here are the links for Georgeworksheet14.mw View 2292_Georgeworksheet14.mw on MapleNet or Download 2292_Georgeworksheet14.mw If you don't put the links there, once the file drops off of the recently uploaded files list, users won't be able to find your file.

William Spaetzel
Marketing Engineer, Maplesoft

I just modified your post to use the Plain Text input format. The reason that your post was getting cut off is becuase of the < character which is special in HTML (the default input format)

William Spaetzel
Marketing Engineer, Maplesoft

Maple can display a sphere using plottools[sphere]

The first argument is the centre point, the second is the radius of the sphere

> theSphere := plottools[sphere]([0,0,0], 1.5):

Maple Plot


Maple can also display a cube using the plots[polyhedraplot] command. The first argument is the center point, the second is that we want a hexahedron (cube), and the polyscale defines how much to scale the cube. By default the sides will all be 1 unit long, so a polyscale of 3 will cause the sides to be 3 units long

> theCube := plots[polyhedraplot]([0,0,0],polytype=hexahedron,polyscale=3, transparency = 0.8):

Maple Plot


And you can display the two objects together using the plots[display] command

> plots[display]( [theSphere,theCube] );

Maple Plot


From here, if you look up plots[animate] you should be able to figure out how to create your final animation

Maple Equation

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William Spaetzel
Marketing Engineer, Maplesoft

I changed your post to use the Plain text Input format which allowed your inequalities to show.

William Spaetzel
Marketing Engineer, Maplesoft

I just tried following the examples on Page 248 and had the same problem that you did. I am going to let our Documentation group know about the problem. Thanks for pointing it out. Is there something specific that you are trying to create with Document blocks? Can I help you with that?

William Spaetzel
Marketing Engineer, Maplesoft

Hopefully this does what you are looking for

> restart:

> interface(prettyprint=3):

> printlevel:=1:

> a:=1:b:=-3:c:=2:

> y:=a*x^2+b*x+c:

> z:=factor(y);

Instead of using printf convert z into a string

> zString := convert( z, string );

Maple Equation


Now remove the * from the string. Substitute all * characters with a space

> zString := StringTools[Substitute]( zString, "*", " " );

Maple Equation

And then do the printf

> printf( "%s\n", zString );

(x-1) (x-2)


Maple Equation

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Download the original worksheet | View worksheet on MapleNet

William Spaetzel
Marketing Engineer, Maplesoft

It looks like the problem is that you defined gg earlier. If we just put your loop by iteself, it works fine:

Maple Equation

> Maple Equation

> Maple Equation

Maple Equation


Maple Equation

This post was generated using the MaplePrimes File Manager
Download the original worksheet | View worksheet on MapleNet

William Spaetzel
Marketing Engineer, Maplesoft

When you click Upload File, it is supposed to take you to the file manager. You can use that to upload files that you want to use with your post. You can then copy the code that is given underneath of "Download Link Code" and paste it into your post. Here is the cod for georgeworksheet2.mw: View 2292_Georgeworksheet2.mw on MapleNet or Download 2292_Georgeworksheet2.mw
View file details ____ William Spaetzel Marketing Engineer, Maplesoft
It looks like your problem is how you used a large number of tab characgters to make your equations line up. This causes your worksheet to be too wide to fit on a piece of paper. Try removing the tabs, and shrinking your image. This should solve the problem. ____ William Spaetzel Marketing Engineer, Maplesoft
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