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20 years, 136 days
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada

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Will Spaetzel is a Software Architect in the Maple T.A. Team at Maplesoft.

He started at Maplesoft in May of 2004 for a 16 month internship while completing his Bachelor of Computer Science from the University of Western Ontario. During his final year at UWO, he continued on as moderator for MaplePrimes. He joined Maplesoft full-time in May 2006 and moved to the web team in Jan 2007. In December of 2010, Will moved to the Maple T.A. team. 

Will was born and grew up in Ontario, Canada. He maintains a personal blog, dabbles in photography builds web applications in his spare time.

MaplePrimes Activity

These are Posts that have been published by Will

XKCD continues to post some great comics, often relating to math. Check this one out:

And yes, Maple does get it right

Maple Equation

Maple Equation

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Scientific Computing recently posted their thoughts on the usefulness of scientific calculators. They also had an interview with a representative of Texas Instruments. When the rep was asked the question of "why would I still use a calculator now that computers are so cheap?"

The final explanation, and the only one that Scientific Computing was satisfied with was that for a calculator, "you can take it into an exam, but most exam systems do not allow you to bring a computer in."

For myself, I haven't touched a calculator in quite a while. For simple problems, I will just use Windows Calculator, or Google. And of course, for anything else, I use Maple.

Maple 11Maplesoft just announced the upcoming release of Maple 11. This new version of Maple will be publicly available in March of this year.

With this release, Maplesoft is taking everything that was great about Maple 10 and adding to it. Below I will list a few of the features that I am most excited about. If you wish to read the full list of new features please view this page.

The 2-D plotting in Maple 11 has been rewritten from the ground up. You will find that all of the plots coming out of this version are more attractive and much more flexible. The biggest improvement is that you can now include 2-D math in your plots as well as drawing directly onto the plot. You can finally include all math on plots that you can in the worksheet. As an example, you can now have your tickmarks set to a trigonometric scale and have markings ofPi/2,sqrt(x)/y^2,3*Pi/2 and so on.

You can also draw all sorts of shapes and objects onto your plots. So you can include arrows to point out important elements. Trace along your curves, or include descriptive text.

This is a new feature that could be very useful for professors or people giving presentations of Maple worksheets. This is a new view mode that turns every section in a Maple document into a slide. You can show these slides in a full screen mode that works the same as a PowerPoint presentation. And while you are in this mode you can still interact with your worksheet keeping the mathematics live and interactive.

Maple now allows you to choose different formatting modes for your mathematical output. You can just right click on any output and choose to change the Numeric Formatting for that result. This means that you can now have your numbers appear in Engineering, Scientific, Currency, Percentage or Custom formatting. Each formatting mode has a number of options that allow you to have your numbers appear exactly as you would like them to.

Maple now allows you to import data contained in Microsoft Excel files. This adds to the large number of file formats that Maple is able to work with.


Maple 11 has four new Mathematics packages built into it. These include Physics, Differential Geometry, Differential Equations and Graph Theory. As a Computer Science graduate I am most excited about the Graph Theory package. This includes all of the tools that you need to solve most Graph Theory problems. If I had this package during my time in university, my life would have been a lot easier.






Maple 11 is the Ideal Tool for Engineers and Scientists to Streamline and Increase Quality of Analytical Work

WATERLOO, CANADA, January 8, 2007 — Maplesoft™, the leading provider of high-performance software tools for engineering, science and mathematics, announced a major release of Maple™, the company’s flagship product. Maple 11 features enhancements to its smart document interface, strong computation engine, and connectivity capabilities. The result is a product that provides users the necessary technology to reduce error and dramatically increase analytical productivity.

With Maple 11, the company is advancing the revolutionary technical document interface technology it introduced two years ago. The new release combines the world’s most powerful mathematical computation engine with an intuitive user-interface that eliminates the learning curve so common with other mathematical software. Its smart document environment automatically captures all technical knowledge in an electronic form that seamlessly integrates calculations, explanatory text and math, graphics, images and sound, and more. These concise live documents can be reused or shared across the organization.

“We initiated a radical change in the industry when we launched Maple 10 with its superior technical document and knowledge sharing capabilities”, said Maplesoft CEO Jim Cooper. “It changed the way people worked and Maple 11 represents another important leap forward in this direction. It is the leading tool for engineers and scientists to streamline and increase the quality of their analytical work. It also represents Maplesoft’s commitment to transforming the way our customers use technology.”

Maple 11 is supported by an extensive range of products for various industrial applications including automotive, aerospace, electronics, energy and finance. Companion products include automatic model generation, optimal design tools, intelligent control design, reference e-books, and more.




Maple T.A. 3.0 is the only system designed specifically for courses using mathematics


Waterloo, Canada, January 8, 2007: Maplesoft™, the leading provider of high-performance software tools for engineering, science and mathematics, today announced significant enhancements to Maple T.A.™, its Web-based testing and assessment system. The new version, Maple T.A. 3.0, features increased flexibility in content creation, an enhanced user interface, and improved grading and assessment capabilities. The product supports complex, free-form entry of mathematical equations and intelligent evaluation of responses, making it the only system designed for mathematics, science, or any course requiring mathematics.

“Maplesoft’s decades of experience in the academic market, expertise in creating dynamic technology solutions, and our collaboration with leading institutions in math education have resulted in a product that instructors can place their full trust in,” said Jim Cooper, Maplesoft CEO. “The latest release of Maple T.A. is a more intelligent and integrated product, and is the system of choice for creating content, testing, and assessment in the math education world.”

Built on the power of Maple™, Maplesoft’s software product for solving complex mathematical problems, Maple T.A. 3.0 provides new benefits that make the product more adaptable and easier to use.

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