
50 Reputation

6 Badges

17 years, 97 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are answers submitted by YasH

Instead of Kitonum's f, we can use

anotherF := x-> ifelse( 0=frem(x+2, 4), undefined , x- 4*floor( (x + 2)/4 ) );

although this is a tiny change.

Is this one of answers ?

subs(B=1-d, algsubs( 1-d = B , A*(-1+d)/r^(1+d)));  
                                    A (1 - d)                   
                                  - ---------                   
                                     (1 + d)                    

What is your purpose in factorization?

Is the following your answer ?


> myEq:= (A/T)^(1/k)*(T/phi)^(beta/k):                 

> simplify( myEq^k, power,symbolic);                                            


                              (-1 + beta)    (-beta)                            

                           A T            phi                                   


> %^(1/k);                                                                      


                           (-1 + beta)    (-beta) (1/k)                         

                       (A T            phi       )                              


What is your "subplot"? Is the following link helpful for you ? 




amplestd2e.sty ??  

Instead of maplestd2e.sty ?


The location of maplestd2e.sty depends on your OS.

If your maple is  "Maple 2015 (X86 64 LINUX)",  the location is 

(The installed directory of Maple)/etc .


Because both expressions are indefinite integrals.


As for "GAUSS-ELIMINATION", please check the following:


I cannot understand  the rule of making DD.  


As for C,  is the following OK ?







LinearAlgebra[Transpose] () does not help you ? (This is a just irresponsible idea.)


All you need do is to write a procedure which returns




> Optimization[Minimize] (1/x*ln( (1+3*x)/(1-x) ), x=0.1..0.9);

[3.21874108833696, [x = 0.507125792764503]]


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