
530 Reputation

7 Badges

8 years, 294 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by Zeineb

Dear all
I have an equation, I would like to dermine the exact solution, but maple return an error 


Thank you

Dear all

I have a data, how can I study this data using N-soft set : Normalized the data, membership function, analyse the risk, ..... compute the risk, interpret the results



Thank you for your help

Dear all 

I have an ideal, and code its definition  and I compute the height  but no result return. There is an error. 


Thank you for you help

Dear all

I possess an integral function that is multiplied by an accompanying coefficient. How can I automatically isolate and extract the coefficient that appears outside the integral function?


Thank you

Hello everyone,

I've encountered a problem with a piece of code involving an integral that should theoretically yield an exact solution. However, when running the code in Maple, I'm not getting the expected output


Your assistance in resolving this matter would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you for your help.

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