
530 Reputation

7 Badges

8 years, 269 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by Zeineb

Dear all 
I have a PDE, with unknown u(t,x,t) ,  zero boundary condition and initial condition given

I converted the equaiton using finite difference to get a system of algebraic equation 

The system is solved at each time step 
I think i have a problem to update the solution inside the loop. 

I hope find the problem or why the numerical solution is different to exact solution at last time 


Thank you for your help 

Dear all

I have an equation, I would like to collect or regroup all similar terms 


Thank you 

Dear all

I have the following code that  compute a parameter labeled by A. 

I used some input vectors and my aim is to get A <1 


I tried to change some values of input vectors but unfortunattely I can not have A<1 

Maybe I have a mistake in the code or something else 

Thank you for your help 

Dear all

I would like if we can solve a problem of a  field homomorphism between two fields. 

Please, if possible a code that help me to define the homomorphism between finite field. 


Thank you 

Dear all

I have a linear  system with four equations,  I used solve to get the result but unfortunately nothing returned


Thank you 

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