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8 years, 297 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by Zeineb

Dear all

have a nice time. 

I have a system of nonlinear differential equation with continuous delay.  I tried to find some books that define a strategy to compute the characteristic equation but unfortunattely the most of papers or books give directly the formula without any proof. 

I tried with maple, but unfortunattely no solution up to now. 

I hope find the strategy how find the characteristic equation of the attached system.



Dear all 
For n geater or equal 2, I would like to solve to find an integrer n that such satisfy an inequality. 

I would like to see how large does n have to be for  the following ineqlaity satisfied. 
But, unfortunattely Maple return 
Warning, solutions may have been lost

solve(10^n /factorial(n) <= epsilon, n);

thank you 

Dear all

I would like to expand x^m using JacobiP  ( jacobi polynomials), with the two parameter alpha  and alpha +2, I have a result in my book using alpha and alpha+1 but i would like to get a similar result using alpha and alpha+2 


Thank you 

Dear all

I have a function F(x,t) , I would like to get the first asymptotic approximations of this function when t goes to infinity for fixed x

But maple return 

Error, (in asympt) unable to compute series


Thank you 

Dear all

I run my code, I think evrything is well coded, but I get the following error 

invalid left hand side in assignment

Please, I need a help to solve this problem,  I haven't any idea about the origin of this error 


Thank you 

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