
530 Reputation

7 Badges

8 years, 148 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by Zeineb

Dear all 

I approximate the root of a given polynomial using Newton method. 

Whem I change the output option the number of iteration change as displayed, 

Why changind only output from animation to plot, the number of iterations displayed with each figure is not the same.


thank you

Dear all

I would like to create a table that contains my ouput : iteration, eigenvalues, eigenvectors, 
My code work well, but unfortunatelly I can't display a table with the wanted output. 


Thank you 

Deal all

I would like to approximate the largest eigenvalue of a given maxtrix and its corresponding eigenvector. 
I have a problem in step 7, how obtain the index where the maximum is located, then How I return at the end of while loop 
a table contains eigenvalues, eigenvectors and err 


Thank you 

Dear all

I have a coupled system of PDEs, 
I would like to return the exact solution of the system using error integral function or complementary error function is possible


thank you for your help 

Dear all

I construct by hand the two matrices L and U so that A= LU ( LU-factorization) 
I would like to find the number of arithmetic operations required to obtain the matrices 𝐿 and 𝑈


Thank you

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