
33 Reputation

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18 years, 354 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by adlov1

Hi! I have a Maple worksheet comprising of TEXT + MATH, mainly for loops and if statements, using matrices. Can someone please let me know how I can turn this sheet into Fortran code (very detailed instructions necessary!) Thanks for your help! :)
Hi! I have a two part question: I am plotting a matrix as multiple graphs: column1 v column2, column1 v column3 etc I have a worksheet set up so that some of the graphs can be completely equal to 0. I am plotting all the graphs on the one set of axes for comparison, and so the null graphs don't appear. However, I am having problems getting a legend. I only want to display a coloured legend (each plot is a different colour) for each graph that is non zero. How can I do this? Second part, I have created a text box next to the graph that displays the names of the non zero graphs as strings. Can I make these strings the same colour as their respective graphs?
Hi everyone! I would like to create a worksheet witb multiple worksheets, and I would like to use sections and subsections. Can anyone please tell me how to lock certain sections/subsections closed so users cannot open then? Thanks :)
Hi everyone! Does anyone know how to get Maple to automatically evaluate expressions to a decimal approximation, instead of printing the value with square roots, and 'pi'? Thanks!
Hi! Could someone please tell me how to : Use hyperlinks to refer to other sections with the same worksheet? Thanks :)
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