
449 Reputation

7 Badges

16 years, 141 days
I study psychology and economics with a very quantitative approach to each. I specialised on statistical methods, quantitative diagnostics, portfoio analysis and econometrics. Furthermore I am interested (and above that theoretically and empirlcally involved) in poker, chess and performing arts.

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by afeddersen

I tried the following:

X1 := RandomVariable(Binomial(n, p)):
DARA := t->piecewise(0<t,log(t),0):

0 < n, n::posint, 0 <= p, p <= 1:

g1 := simplify(%) = DARA(s);
k1 := solve(g1, s);


Does anyone know, why or when to use the assume command as opposed to just defining the assumptions?


instead of typing:

assume(0 < sigma);

i could just write:

0 < sigma;


I did the following:

HARA := t->(alpha+delta*t)^(1-(beta)/(delta)):
0 < (beta)/(delta), (beta)/(delta) < 1:
0 < (alpha+delta*t);

Now Maple prints the last assumption like:

0 < alpha*t

thus assuming that delta must equal 1.




Thanks for helping.


I tried to use the Statistics package to compute an expected utility, which is the mean of the product of a utility function u and a random variable f.

E.g. I have a random variable, which is binomial distributed and a utility function: u:=t->-exp(-a*t);

How do I tell Maple to compute the Mean of that product of a random variable and a utility function (i.e. to compute the expected utility)?

Anyhow, if someone knows a more efficient way, I´d also be glad to hear your suggestions.

Thanks for helping.



I tried the following:

h1:=t->piecewise(t < 0, 0, binomial(n, t)*p^t*(1-p)^(n-t));
k1:=t->piecewise(type(h1(t), And(realcons,Not(infinity) ) ), h1(t), 0);

add(k1(t)*u1(t),t=-infinity..infinity);  [didn´t work. maybe 'add' kann only compute a finite number.]

First question: => How am I going to compute an EV, i.e. the sum from -infinity to infinity?


Next I tried:

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