
449 Reputation

7 Badges

16 years, 190 days
I study psychology and economics with a very quantitative approach to each. I specialised on statistical methods, quantitative diagnostics, portfoio analysis and econometrics. Furthermore I am interested (and above that theoretically and empirlcally involved) in poker, chess and performing arts.

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by afeddersen

I defined a procedure with two arguments.

The first one called Options is a list of lists (but no listlist), the second called Paratemers is a list of intergers.
Anyway both lists have the same number of elements and the ith element of Options is connected to its ith counterpart in Parameters.

One part within that procedure looks for an element in Parameters, that has a value of -1.

If that is the case, its counterpart in Options which will then be...

I´d like to use the remove command, to select elements of a list.



L1:=remove('boolean function',L);

Where can I get an overwiew of all boolean functions, i.e. commands, that output true, false or fail?

E.g. I wanted to simply say


which should just leave all "3" values in L1, but that didn´t work. So I needed to define a boolean function to say "if element...

E.g. I have three lists:




and if needed I have a fourth list



Now I´d like to add 99 to all lists whose name contains a 1 and add a 999 to all lists whose name contains a K.

The problem is, when I refer to the elements of ALL, Maple "thinks" I refer to the list. But how do I tell Maple,

that I want to refer to the lists´ name instead of the list itself ...

For example I tried:

for i in L do
end do:

I wanted to create three Arrays a, b and c.

I have an Array A with 90 rows and 16 columns.

The first column of each row denotes the name of a card, while the other 15 colums of each row specify certain characteristics of that card.

Moreover I defined a couple of selection rules Ri, to define sublists of A, which contain only the entries of the first column of A and where the number of elements in Ri is known a priori.

for i to 90 do
if A[i,2]=4 or A[i,2]=0 then
end if:
end do:

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