
15 Reputation

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4 years, 169 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by aoakindele

@Carl Love ...i have two programs not running well.....1) 2)

@Carl Love Am really grateful for your comtributions but am unable to get it... i dont know how to use method= bvp[midrich] or method= bvp[middefer] in the dsolve command....please kindly attach it affer using it on this u sir

@tomleslie yes i want it to evaluate to zeroyes i need your assistace on this work , dont understand the meaning of the error message neither do i understand how to fix it..........kindly find attachment and assist........THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH @Carl Love @tomleslie

@Carl Love Now i get ......thank u sir

@tomleslie Thanks so much for the solution you provided but sir how can can maple show the numerical method which it has used to solve the problem or which numerical method is used in the above problem??(is it runge kutta with shooting, shooting or what??)......Thanks  

@tomleslie it really help

@Carl Love pls can u assist me on this

@acer F!!(0).......F prime prime(0)....not sure if thats how to write d code






# Define the ODE system


  odeSys:= { (diff(F(eta), eta, eta, eta))*(1+epsilon-alpha*((diff(F(eta), eta, eta))^2))+F(eta)*(diff(F(eta), eta, eta))+S*(diff(F(eta), eta))-(1/2)*S*eta*(diff(F(eta), eta, eta))-(diff(F(eta), eta))^2-M*(diff(F(eta), eta)), (diff(theta(eta), eta, eta))*(1+R)-delta*(diff(F(eta), eta))^2-Pr*((3/2)*S*theta(eta)+(1/2)*S*eta*(diff(theta(eta), eta))-2*(diff(F(eta), eta))*theta(eta)+F*(diff(theta(eta), eta)))};


# Define the first set of boundary conditions


  bcs1:= { F(0) = 0, (D(F))(0) = 1+lambda*(1+epsilon)*(D@@(F))(0) , theta(0) = 1,(1+epsilon)*(D@@(F))(inf)=gamma*theta(inf),F(inf)=(inf*S)/2, theta(inf) = 0



  epsilonVals:=[0.018, 0.5, 3]:

  for k from 1 by 1 to numelems(epsilonVals) do

      pList:=[ R = 0.5, M = 0.5,lambda=0.2,gamma=1, S = 1.5, delta = 0.3, Pr = 1.5, alpha = 0.4, epsilon = epsilonVals[k],inf=1]:

      sol1[k]:= dsolve( eval

                        ( `union`( odeSys, bcs1),





 colors:=[red,green, blue]:
  ( [ seq
      ( odeplot
        ( sol1[i],
          [eta, F(eta)],
    color = [red, green, blue],
    title = typeset( F(eta), " =influence of epsilon on velocity profile "),
    titlefont = [times, bold, 20]


`Maple 18.00, IBM INTEL NT, Feb 10 2014, Build ID 922027`


{(diff(diff(theta(eta), eta), eta))*(1+R)-delta*(diff(F(eta), eta))^2-Pr*((3/2)*S*theta(eta)+(1/2)*S*eta*(diff(theta(eta), eta))-2*(diff(F(eta), eta))*theta(eta)+F*(diff(theta(eta), eta))), (diff(diff(diff(F(eta), eta), eta), eta))*(1+epsilon-alpha*(diff(diff(F(eta), eta), eta))^2)+F(eta)*(diff(diff(F(eta), eta), eta))+S*(diff(F(eta), eta))-(1/2)*S*eta*(diff(diff(F(eta), eta), eta))-(diff(F(eta), eta))^2-M*(diff(F(eta), eta))}


Error, (in dsolve/numeric/bvp/convertsys) F(eta) and F cannot both appear in the given ODE


Error, (in plots/odeplot) input is not a valid dsolve/numeric solution





@Carl Love 






# Define the ODE system


  odeSys:= { (diff(F(eta), eta, eta, eta))*(1+epsilon-alpha((diff(F(eta), eta, eta))^2))+F(eta)*(diff(F(eta), eta, eta))+S*(diff(F(eta), eta))-(1/2)*S*eta*(diff(F(eta), eta, eta))-(diff(F(eta), eta))^2-M*(diff(F(eta), eta)), (diff(theta(eta), eta, eta))*(1+R)-delta*(diff(F(eta), eta))^2-Pr((3/2)*S*theta(eta)+(1/2)*S*eta*(diff(theta(eta), eta))-2*(diff(F(eta), eta))*theta(eta)+F*(diff(theta(eta), eta)))}:


# Define the first set of boundary conditions


  bcs1:= { F(0) = 0, (D(F))(0) = 1+lambda*(1+epsilon)*(D@@(F))(0) , theta(0) = 1,(1+epsilon)*(D@@(F))(inf)=gamma*theta(inf),F(inf)=(inf*S)/2, theta(inf) = 0



  epsilonVals:=[0.018, 0.5, 3]:

  for k from 1 by 1 to numelems(epsilonVals) do

      pList:=[ R = 0.5, M = 0.5,lambda=0.2,gamma=1, S = 1.5, delta = 0.3, Pr = 1.5, alpha = 0.4, epsilon = epsilonVals[k],inf=1]:

      sol1[k]:= dsolve( eval

                        ( `union`( odeSys, bcs1),





 colors:=[red,green, blue]:
  ( [ seq
      ( odeplot
        ( sol1[i],
          [eta, F(eta)],
    color = [red, green, blue],
    title = typeset( F(eta), " =influence of epsilon on velocity profile "),
    titlefont = [times, bold, 20]


`Maple 18.00, IBM INTEL NT, Feb 10 2014, Build ID 922027`


Error, (in dsolve/numeric/bvp/convertsys) too many boundary conditions: expected 5, got 6


Error, (in plots/odeplot) input is not a valid dsolve/numeric solution





@Carl Love 

@Carl Love will effect d correction..........thanks...........pls help me fix error here 

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