
25 Reputation

4 Badges

7 years, 142 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by arjangash


given fixed values of u, L, and c, I would like to Maximiz Z(p, b) by finding best p and b, subject to 1-(2* d)/(p*(sqrt(g)+1))<=b<=1 and 0<=d<=L and Min(c,L)<=p<=u and1<=g<=4 

hi everybody i am beginner in maple, i want to maximize this equation:


subject to constraints:

a > 0, b > 0, c > 0, r > 0, k[m] > 1, k[m]*a > (a*k[m]*(-1+r)-b*(c+c[m]))/(2*(-1+r)), a >= b*c, r < 1, a/b < (c[m]+c[r])/(k[m]*(-1+r)-r+1), a/b < (c+c[m])/(k[m]*(-1+r)), (c+cm)*b+a*k[m]*(-1+r) < 0

is it possible? if it is not, i want to know that equation could be positive or not and in what range of variables it could be positive?

for example i have this equation: y=x+c , y and x are variable, but c is constant. i want to plot implicitly with respect to y and x, but the result has no line or something and just two axes. what can i do?

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