
20 Reputation

2 Badges

10 years, 199 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by as5987

i want to plot a arc that starting angle and finishing angle are variable

but it didn't show the arc there is my code

i'm going to solve the two eq. and plot the answer point

i try to do two group but the first succeed the second get some wrong

the first i named 1 ,and second named 2 as below

the 1 plot the correct point that i want

Although the 2 solve eq too but it didn't plot the point on(-0.36,0.29),

the code of this two is same ,

anyone can help me?


i want to plot a circle which is centered at(0,0),and the radius is the length of Point2 and origin

but it shows some error,how could i do to solve this

i want to plot a circle with that centered at (0,0),and the radius is the length of Point2 and orgin

but it shows the error

how could i do to solve this






how can i do if i  want to change the color of point1 which is rotated from point2

i want to make point2 red , and point1 is black , but the point1 is still  red

anyone can help me? thx

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